The Beginning of Old Adventures

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"Alright sons! Gather up resources for the ship, then you're free to do whatever you want until tomorrow morning!" the Strongest Man in the World exclaimed, this was none other than the great Edward Newgate, also known as Whitebeard.

"Alright! I'm in charge of booze-yoi!" the 1st division commander of the Whitebeard Pirates, also known as Marco, exclaimed, "And babysitting Ace!"

"Hey! I'm not a kid!" the freckled man argued, lunging himself at the pineapple looking man but was held back by the man with a pompadour, Thatch. "Calm down, Ace... We just don't wanna deal with the townspeople screaming at a dead guy when he's really just asleep,"

Thatch then let go of Ace, "Fine..." he grunted as he walked towards the town.

Whitebeard laughed at his son's interactions and headed back onto the Moby Dick to rest.

Marco and Thatch jogged a little to catch up with Ace who had walked ahead while they bade their goodbyes to Whitebeard. "Ay what's the hurry, Ace-yoi?" Marco questioned.

"Let's get our job done fast then we can explore the island," Ace said with a hint of childlike excitement in his voice.

The two men who trailed behind Ace grinned. "Alright alright, all we have to get is booze, meat and some cooking spices, then we can hit up a bar for lunch," Thatch said, laying down his plan for the day.

"Okay! Let's get this over with!" Ace exclaimed, "Hold on, has anyone seen Teach?"

Marco raised his brow, "No? I think he was the first to leave the ship-yoi,"

"Damn, did he leave early so he could skip his job?" Ace grunted but then decided to not take it personally, "Oh well."

While they were on their way to the town, they passed by a village first. It was a quiet and peaceful village, there were children running around, playing happily.

"Oh, Zach you're back! How's your knee?"a boy asked, looking at another boy with a pink plaster stuck to his knee.

Ace smiled at the children's interaction, then continued to walk towards where the town was. As he walked, he looked around the village, there was an old lady who was happily watering her plants and there was a cat that happily ate away its lunch.

What a peaceful village. What a peaceful village, indeed.

Marco had picked up the latest issue of News Coo while they were on their way to the town and he read it as he walked. "Man, the Navy has gotten another Vice Admiral-yoi! An extremely young one too!"

"Oh really? Let me see!" Thatch said as he snatched the newspaper out of Marco's hands.

"Hey!" Marco argued, trying to get his newspaper back.

Ace ignored their banter as he continued to look around the village while he walked.

"There's a picture of her too!" Thatch exclaimed as he shoved the News Coo right in front of Marco's face.

"She's hella cute-yoi!" Marco gawked.

"I know right?" Thatch replied, equally as captivated by the girl as Marco was.

The two men shared the newspaper and read it together, looking for more details about the beautiful Vice Admiral. "Hey Ace, you should look at this!" Thatch tried to show Ace the picture of the girl that captivated both his and Marco's hearts.

"Forget it, Thatch, he probably doesn't swing that way and this means less competition for us-yoi,"

Ace turned to look at the two men, "I heard that," he glared, "Are you two seriously trying to go for a Marine girl? Even worse, a Vice Admiral at that?"

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