Chapter 5- Am I dreaming?

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(Drawing above done by me)

Meanwhile with Andrea

I blink, feeling sluggish and half awake. Everything's dark, except for this soft emanating purple light close to me. Everything felt cool, except for this warmth that's supporting me. It feels... Nice.

Maybe there are other things that are nice. No, there ARE, but for some reason I can't seem to recall them...

Someone giggles, the warmth suddenly enveloping me whole.

I look up, seeing a strange green elf figure, blood dripping from their mouth.

They reminded me of something I saw a long time ago, with green fluffy hair and toga-like clothes.

And wait- that is blood right?

I blink as I stare wide eyed at the gash, alarmed at the grievous injury that's just oozing with the most blood I've ever seen in my life. I try to move to help because dang it the inner nurse of me is demanding me to help-

I can't move?

The green elf, cause I don't know their name, gives a gentle smile. Seeming to try to reassure me, like no- you are bleeding quite literally to death lady!

"Your name shall be Dream, the guardian of the positive apples. And your brother shall be Nightmare, the guardian of the negative apples. You will now be the new guardians of the tree of feelings. For protecting it means keeping the balance of all positive and negative emotions." They softly whisper to me, before looking at the side at something else.

I blink as I tilt my head in confusion.

Excuse me elf lady, who are you talking to?

I frown slightly as I try to look around.

I let out an involuntary noise when my eyes meet a bright purple ball of light.

And holy heck are those grumpy eyes I see?

A ball of literal flame has eyes- I can't-

Is this a dream? Am I dreaming?

God what the heck is with this dream then- And why the heck can't I freaking move?

I frown a bit, trying to wiggle around.

The green elf looks slightly alarmed, bringing me closer to them, giving me a real good view at the large stab wound on their stomach, which didn't help with my anxiety at all.

I try to voice out reassurances and instructions, but no matter how hard I move or open my mouth, nothing comes out. Frustrated, I try to move closer to inspect the wound to at least apply pressure to it.

Only to find out that whenever I try to move my arms-

God dang it this isn't the time for my arms to be numb!

With my voice and arms being out of commission, I could only apply my body weight on the wound, hoping that my weight could help stop the dang bleeding.

I become acutely aware of their slow beating pulse.

"Oh Dream. I know you want to help but there isn't anything that you can do. I'm dying." The elf? Says softly.

Elf, lady thing. I'm not Dream that isn't my name but because you might be experiencing shock right now. I will let it slide.

I furrow my brows, frick, applying pressure and trying to help a patient is way harder than what my medical classes taught me.

Why the heck am I trying so hard anyway? This is a dream Andrea.

Then why the heck doesn't it feel like one?

The blood, the still weak but strong beating pulse-

Don't panic don't panic-

My breathing quickens.

Holy hell this is my first very injured patient that is quite literally dying in front of me. And I can't call for help or for someone to call the damn ambulance cause my voice is for some reason not working!

There was this soft hum, it sounded soothing but also slightly rushed. And for some weird reason it was kind of calming me down.

"Dream, please stop. I'm far too gone now." The elf lady says sadly.

"But you and Nightmare are not." They cough, bright thick blood dripping down their chin and landing on my head.

I look up in alarm, seeing their sad expression morph into one with pure stubbornness and determination.

Oh god they're getting worse I need to-

Then I feel like I'm being pulled into something, I feel hot, suffocating, tight. No, I don't need this. I don't want this, out, OUT!

Whatever I was in, bursts and I'm finally able to breathe again.

Someone makes a disgusted noise, probably the elf lady. I try to resume applying pressure to the wound only to be pulled away again.

I let out a sound of frustration.

God damn it just let me help you!

Suddenly everything turns dark.

And instead of feeling suffocated and squeezed, I feel... Good? There's also this... comfort. Safety?

I also feel strangely heavy?

Like what the heck-

I try to move, but everything feels so- Muddy? Like I'm going against a really strong current. Basically it's super hard to move.

And to make things worse, no matter what I did, I couldn't see anything.

I try to search for their warmth, hear their weak heartbeat.

I sluggishly turned my head around, finally hearing coughing but it sounds so far away and- So weak...

Shit, they really don't have much time left-

Stupid body, move!

My body barely complies, moving frustratingly slow for such a crucial time. The support I had was gone and I couldn't hear the faint coughing anymore.

No! No no no no no. Don't die please don't die-

I know I'm panicking, even though this is a dream, a really hyper realistic one at that. But there's this gut wrenching feeling that if I didn't help, it would haunt me for the rest of my life.

"I'm sorry children. I won't be able to be there for you when you wake. I will be sealed in the tree of feelings you'll be sleeping on. Protect the tree and don't ever touch the apple that's opposite that your guarding, but more importantly, protect each other in my stead. Be strong now and goodbye." The elf looks down sadly at the two skeletons.

Wait- no! Don't go, I need to help you!

But the elf did not stay, and the comforting presence that enveloped the area completely disappeared. A harsh empty coldness replacing it.

One of the two new skeletons wriggles around in discomfort. Gloved hands reaching out, opening and closing, desperately searching for something.

Small whimpers escape from them, but the other did not respond.

It wasn't until those small fingers grazed the others form that the fussy skeleton knew of the others presence.

Gloved hands quickly wrap around the other. Smothering them in a tight hug.

The other skeleton, still unresponsive, lets them.

The fussy skeleton calms down shortly, slowly being pulled into a deep slumber.

And then





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