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Illumi was alone in Hisoka's apartment deeming this the perfect time to go out and meet with Chrollo. Yet, the only issue with this plan was that Hisoka would be back in a couple of hours and Lucilfer hadn't bothered to send over any type of details relating to their arrangement.

Maybe he forgot? Though it seemed quite unlikely, it would be very typical of the troupe leader to just simply ignore Illumi's request.

The assassin released a sigh as he stared at his phone, contemplating whether he should call his ex first or not. A few more minutes passed, Illumi feeling himself growing more irritated with each passing second. He soon gave up on Chrollo contacting first and began tapping away at his contact list, quickly spotting the older male's number.

Just as he was about to press the call button, Illumi's phone rang and a familiar contact flashed across his screen.

Spider Bastard 🕷 is calling...

Illumi answered and pressed the phone against his ear. "Was it really necessary to make me wait a week for a phone call?"

"What? I just thought that if you were desperate enough, you'd call first... but it seems I was wrong," Chrollo said with a disappointed sigh. "So, is today alright with you?"

"Today?" Illumi asked in annoyance. This man doesn't bother to contact him for days and wants to see him today?

"Well, yes. It has been a few days since we've last spoken." Lucilfer paused. "Unless of course, you've changed your mind regarding our discussion?"

So, that's how he wants to play, the assassin thought as he pursed his lips. If he refuses now, Illumi might as well forget about the deal he made. "Not at all. I suppose I'll see you in an hour then?"

"Of course."

The assassin quickly hung up and went to his room, changing out of the clothes that he had borrowed from Hisoka. Illumi didn't know why but he had picked up the habit of wearing the magician's clothes when he wasn't around and even though Hisoka didn't mind, Illumi still found it embarrassing.

He took out his usual green attire and changed into it, deciding to leave his dark hair down. Illumi slipped his phone into his pocket before leaving the apartment, making sure to lock the door behind himself.

Illumi stopped a cab as soon as he was out on the street and immediately got in. "To downtown York New, please," the assassin said after closing the door behind himself.

The driver gave him a skeptical look before starting the vehicle and heading in the requested direction. When they finally arrived, Illumi paid the cab driver and got out, examining the abandoned buildings around him. The assassin let out a sigh and stared at the hideout where the Phantom Troupe stayed, slowly steering himself in its direction.

The building was empty and slightly humid from the night befores rainfall, Illumi letting his dark eyes scan around. He finally saw Chrollo reading a book in his usual spot before looking up and spotting the assassin.

"I see you've finally shown up," the troupe leader said as he closed his book and put it away.

"And I see you still refuse to wear a shirt," Illumi countered as Chrollo stood up and walked towards him, his hands stuffed deeply into his pockets.

Lucilfer stared at him with his grey eyes, making Illumi slightly flustered. Chrollo smiled at his ex's reaction before opening his mouth to speak, "Have you still come to discuss the fate of your new lover?"

"Of course I have. You know very well that we no longer have a personal connection," the Zoldyck stated while rolling his eyes. Illumi fixed the pins in his shirt, calmly collecting his thoughts and ignoring the feeling of nervousness he felt around Chrollo. "I have a proposition for you."

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