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Hisoka was standing at the base of Kukuroo Mountain, his hands firmly on his hips as he observed the testing gates. As he was about to walk up to them, an old man's voice stopped him in his tracks.

"How can I help you, sir?" A man in a grey suit and hat asked, walking out of the shelter that he had been sitting inside.

The magician looked at him with a blank expression before giving him an innocent smile. "I'm friends with Illumi. Is there any way for me to get in?" He asked, pointing towards the gate.

The old man frowned in confusion, his eyes scanning Hisoka's muscular figure. He didn't seem to be lying but the dangerous aura emanating from him was enough to make him suspicious. "I'll have to call in just to make sure. What's your name?"

"Hisoka Morow," he answered, his yellow gaze still focused on the large entrance.

Hisoka watched as he picked a telephone that was inside the booth and pressed a number. "Hello. Yes, this is Zebro. There is a man claiming to be a "friend" of Master Illumi's..."

The redhead dismissed the conversation and sauntered towards the gates, removing his hand from his hip. The magician frowned a bit then firmly put his hands against the hard surface. Hisoka flexed his muscles and began to push, only using half of his strength, causing 4 of the gates to open simultaneously.

Zebro heard the disturbance and turned his head, his eyes widening in shock as he saw the magician casually walking inside, the gates closing behind him. "Gotoh, I think we have a problem. That Hisoka fellow managed to let himself in and he opened 4 gates."


After going into the Zoldyck property, the redhead was met with the figure of their giant guard dog, Mike looming over him. Hisoka simply looked up at the growling creature with his yellow eyes and Mike whimpered, slowly sitting down.

"Good boy," Hisoka praised with a grin before walking further into the forest.

He decided to use In and Zetsu to help conceal his presence better and started running towards the mansion that was ontop of the mountain. As he neared the second gate, he stopped in his tracks and stared at the teenage girl who was guarding the entrance with a cane gripped in her hands.

She didn't look as if she noticed Hisoka's appearance but the girl's stance seemed much more attentive. Her brown eyes scanned the area before her focus was interrupted.

"Canary!" The girl swiftly turned her head towards the voice and saw Gotoh running towards her with the rest of the Zoldyck butlers. "Has someone tried to come in?"

Canary didn't even get the chance to greet him as he asked that question. "No, sir," she quickly replied, beads of sweat forming on her brown skin. "But I did sense an odd aura before you came. I just don't know where it's coming from..."

Gotoh turned his pale glare towards the butlers standing behind him and nodded his head. Every single one of them scattered in different directions and Hisoka silently watched as 2 men ran past his hiding spot in a tree.

The magician stealthily made his way from tree to tree, avoiding the attention of the butlers' who were searching below. After a few minutes, Hisoka found himself standing in front of the manager's headquaters which was the last obstacle towards the Zoldyck mansion. Since the butlers were all outside searching for him, he probably wouldn't come into contact with anyone who needed to be killed.

But then again, it's never bad to stray towards a little fun.

The door was surprisingly unlocked when he turned the handle and creeped inside, the lights from inside causing him to squint. Hisoka walked through the large house's lounge and found the corridor that led towards the household of assassins.

He just hoped that he would be able to find Illumi when he got to that vast place and didn't bump into any of his family members.

The redhead continued on his path and managed to finally reach the manor, a hand on his hip as he glanced at every window. Only one of them still had the lights on and Hisoka's yellow gaze fixated on it, hoping that it was the right guess.

He attached his bungee gum to it and began to climb, the heels of his shoes clacking softly against the cobblestone wall. When the window finally came into view, the magician looked inside and noticed Illumi lifelessly sitting on his bed, his scarred back exposed.

Hisoka frowned a bit at the sight of the new scars before tapping a finger against the glass. Illumi turned his head to look at the source of the sound and his expression remained blank even when he opened the window for the clown to climb in.

The magician grinned when he finally got to stand in front the assassin, the usual glint in his eyes. "Evening, sweet Illu. I've finally come to save you."

The older male's sincere greeting was met by a strong blow landing on his cheek. Hisoka never saw Illumi's fist coming so he didn't have time to prepare himself and stumbled backwards.

Just as the redhead was about to protest, the beautiful assassin flatly cut him off. "Do you realise how foolish the stunt you just pulled was? Now, almost every single employee of ours is outside looking for you."

Hisoka wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. "Why don't you just call them off? I did say I was coming over," he mumbled while crossing his arms.

"Even if I do call them off, who knows whether they have contacted my father or not. He can't really know that you, of all people, have come to see me," Illumi informed him while picking up his phone.

The magician smirked and walked closer to the assassin, making sure that their noses were almost touching. "You're not ashamed of me, are you Illu?" He asked as the younger male dialed a number.


His yellow eyes gazed into his black ones. "I mean, it would be a shame if your dear father knew the things that I've done to you. Or at least, the things I'm still going to do to you," Hisoka huskily whispered against the shell of his ear.

Illumi turned to look him in the eye, the magician's soft lips brushing against the skin on his cheek. "You wouldn't dare."

"Try me, Illu dearest," Hisoka growled in a low tone. "You tell them to kick me out and your family will find out about your personal escapades."

"My father will kill you..."

"Death is just one of the many erotic things in life. Besides," the magician licked a stripe across the assassin's lips, "dying together sounds so alluring."

The Zoldyck remained silent as he stared at Hisoka blankly, the phone ringing near his ear. Then someone finally picked up. "Gotoh, you can stop the search. I've managed to take care of the problem myself. Yes, that'll be all." He hung up and threw his phone onto the mattress, his hair swishing around him. "Next time you even think about coming here, make sure that you call me first."

"I promise," Hisoka purred while sticking out his pinky.

Illumi just ignored him and his large eyes silently scanned his hand. "You cut your nails," he noted in a matter-of-fact tone.

The redhead grinned and held up two fingers, his eyes forming into small crescents. "I just thought it would make things easier," he informed while curling his fingers into a lewd gesture.

"Do you think of anything besides sex?" The assassin asked with a slight crease between his brows.

"Nothing but your body." Another punch hit him square in the face just as soon as those words left his lips.


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