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"Lucy," Scott greeted. I turned and waited for him to catch up. "What's going on?"

"What do you mean?" I responded, trying to play dumb.

"I saw the look on your face," he said. "I don't need emotion reading powers to know- "

I stopped and turned to him. "Please, do not mock me or what I can do," I snapped.

"I'm - I'm not," he said back, following me.

"You don't know how it feels. What it really feels like," I said. I walked outside of the building.

"What don't I understand?" he questioned.

"I cannot lose anyone else!" I said loudly. I paused and waited for everyone to continue with their lives. "We can't lose anyone else."

"We won't- "

I shook my head. "For most of my life, my type was always looked down upon. They didn't think we were good in battles, just good for healing... And it's interesting that out of everyone, I survived - the weakest of them all.

"I couldn't see Kate's plan or Gerard's, couldn't see the Darach... You don't know how useless I felt. To see how Gerard was using Jackson. He almost died, twice. Kate Argent has a plan that none of us know, but she is going to kill me or my brother or both.

"And now I finally feel like my power is doing something - finding Demarco's murderer. Lydia gets a feeling, we trust her because that's what friends do. We trust that they know what they're doing, trust their intuition. Stilinski brought people down to Eichen House because she was so sure Stiles had been there.

"But me? I tell you Garrett's aura isn't right, that there's something off about him, that he's the murderer, but you mock me. Both you and Stiles. Even with all the evidence - the lacrosse sticks, he who paid for the keg... You ever heard that fairytale? When people stop believing, we die? I wonder how true that is."

I stopped. I looked down the hall as a bus pulled in. Liam and his friend came out and he walked towards the Devenford Prep students stepping out.

"Oh, God. Liam... "

Scott and I headed towards the place. Stiles greeted us. Scott looked down at me and asked, "How angry is he?"

"On a scale of one to ten? Six... and rising."

"I just wanted to say... have a good game." Liam held his hand out for him to shake.

He laughed. "That's cute, Liam. Is that what they told you to say in anger management? Apologize and everything's fine?" He glared down at him saying, "You demolished Coach's car."

"I paid for it," Liam snarled.

"Yeah, you're going to pay for it," he threatened. "We're gonna break you in half out there and it's gonna be all your fault."

"Liam... " I grabbed his bloody hand, which was due to him digging his claws in his palm.

"Calm down... "

"Hey, what's up, prep students. Welcome to our little public high school!" Stiles greeted brightly. "How you doing?" He put his hand out, which wasn't returned. "That's a firm handshake you got there. Uh, we're very excited for the scrimmage tonight, uh, but let's keep it clean, all right? No rough stuff out there. All right, see you on the field! Go!"

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