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"Lucy Moore... Lucy."

I lifted my head, seeing a lady in white. I grabbed the dagger in my sheath and pointed it at her. She looked like a ghost from those horror movies. She had long dark hair and she even glowed. I looked around the library. Everyone was frozen. I looked at Scott and Lydia who were unmoving, too.

"I did not mean to scare you," she said.

"W-who are you?" I asked. "What did you do to them?"

"I am a fairy of time and reality," she explained and I sheathed my dagger.

"What? I didn't know- "

"I am much too powerful so I've been hiding," she said. "Time and reality are dangerous matters, given only to the right people."

"Time and reality... Does that mean you could help us?" I asked, hopeful. "Can you, I don't know, restore reality?"

"I cannot bring back those who have been erased by the ghost riders," she said.

"Then why are you here?"

"I answered your call," she answered. "It took a while. I had to make sure you were a good being. Though I cannot help your friends, I can help you. Not many spirit fairies have all the powers you possess. Not all can see memories or read minds. You are a powerful fairy; don't ever think otherwise."

"So what is the help?" I questioned.

She smiled. "You are. You must believe in yourself. Your intuition is strong. Never doubt it. I must go now, back to my time."

"Back to your time? Wait, but- "

I shook awake again. I looked around. Everyone was walking, talking, flipping through books. I looked at Lydia who was on the laptop, Scott across from me.

"Stile," Scott read from the laptop. "An arrangement of steps that allow people, but not animals, to climb over a fence."

"Yeah, somehow, I don't think these are the Stiles we're looking for."

Scott sighed. "Maybe Malia's found something?"

"No, she's been taking a make-up test all morning," Lydia said. She looked at me. "You sleeping okay?"

"Uh... I just had a weird dream," I responded, confused. "It's nothing. Let's just find... " I trailed off, hearing a familiar howl.

"I guess the test isn't going well," Lydia commented as we stood up.

We came to a storage room filled with tables, chairs, and metal cabinets. Malia was hiding behind one, growling as Scott came closer.

"Malia, it's okay," Scott said calmly. "I'm not gonna hurt you. I think she's calming down."

"Really? Because I don't feel that," I told him.

"Maybe you should growl back?" Stilinski suggested. "Scott, you're the Alpha. Can't you just make her a little more docile?"

"She's not the problem, we are," Lydia said. "This is her territory. Maybe we need to get out of here." We all backed away behind the rack. "Malia came here to get through the full moons. Then we started using the lake house."

"I thought you said a wild animal got in the lake house," Ms. Martin questioned.

"Just be happy about all the things I don't tell you," Lydia said back.

The coyote walked out from the cabinet and transformed into Malia in her human body. She assured us she was okay and Ms. Martin gave her clothes.

"Any idea on what made her shift?"

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