55 - Breaking Out Of Prison

Start from the beginning

"What was that?" - (Y/N)

"A Roar?" - Boruto

"It's coming" - Mitsuki

"Huh?" - Kokuri

"Ah. The heck?! " - (Y/N)

"Oh... A dog?" - (Y/N) said calmly

"We don't have the time to play with dogs" - Boruto

Boruto punched the dog but no effect

He got hit by a fire ball jutsu?

"Boruto!" - Kokuri

"I'm okay!" - Boruto

"Cerberus? No it has only two heads" - (Y/N)

"Kokuri get back!" - Boruto

"Okay!" - Kokuri

The two headed dogs tried to follow Kokuri but Mitsuki stretched his arms and stopped the dogs

"I'm gonna need you to tay quiet for a little bit!" - Mitsuki

But the dog move his head, swinging Mitsuki

After Mitsuki, Boruto and (Y/N) appeared and punched the dog

"Damn... He still alive do we need to use force?" - (Y/N)

"Get back!" - Mitsuki

"Lightning style:Lightning strike!" - Mitsuki

Mitsuki hit the ceiling, stopping the dog from chasing them

Kokuri ran on his own

The three followed him

"Oi,!" - (Y/N)

"Listen carefully!" - Kokuri

"It's the sound of water!" - Boruto

"She succeeded in filling the tank with the water,huh?"-Mitsuki

"Good job noticing it, Kokuri!" - Boruto

"Noice for now" - (Y/N)

But when they arrived there's no water in the tank

"What is this?" - Kokuri

Kokuri jump in the tank

"This is terrible!" - Kokuri

What's going on? "-Boruto


They manage to get out of that empty tank

But they got  cornered by the two head dogs not only that it breathes fire

" Like I'd let you! "-Boruto

Boruto rushed at him but...

" Fire style:Flame capture! "

A fire like a whip can be seen

"You did petty well for some brats. But I won't let you have Kokuri. " - Benga

"Kokuri's my precious golden goose." - Benga

"Ew, precious? Golden?" - (Y/N)

"He's mine" - Benga

"Are you gay?" - (Y/N)

"Benga!" - Boruto

"Shut up" - Benga

"That's a ninja hound summoning passed down to countless generations of prison wardens to hunt down escapees . " - Benga

"We don't care!" - (Y/N)

"Lightning style:Snake lightning!" - Mitsuki

"Damn it, we're almost there!" - Boruto

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