7. Pixies

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Ameria POV:

"Growth spell!" I say looking through my spell book.

"We grow the can, and then the gas inside will grow with it!" 

"Uh, that's kind of a weird idea" Ian says slowly with concern. 

"I know! I like it, too!" Barley says punching Ian's back playfully.

"Okay" Ian said sighing getting ready to start.

"Loosen up. Heart's fire. Here we go" Ian reminded himself.

"Ian, you know a growth spell isn't easy, right?"

"A growth spell is a bit more advanced" I say closing my book.

"Not only do you have to speak from your heart's fire, but now you also have to follow a magic decree" Barley added on

"A magic what?" Ian questioned looking at us.

"It's a special rule that keeps the spell working right" I answer.

This one states, "To magnify an object, you have to magnify your attention upon it." Barley said placing his hand on Ian's shoulder.

"While you cast the spell, you can't let anything distract you" Barley explained very closely.

"Okay.." Ian said trying to position himself.


"What?" Barley and I say

"Splinter" Ian groaned as he picked the splinter out of his hand and was about to discard it on the ground. 

"Wait!" I yell right before Ian's threw it away.

"What?" Ian says

"Give me it"

"Why?" Ian says confused

He shrugs and hands me it. I grab a zip lock bag and place it in. Barley and Ian stare at me with wonder as I put it in my bag.

"Can we sand this thing down?" Ian asks brushing his hand up and down from the staff!

"No! It's an ancient staff with magic in every glorious fiber" Barley exclaimed sounding really annoyed at the fact he has to tell Ian again.

"You can't sand it down" I repeat

"All right. All right. Here we go. Focus" Ian says letting out a heavy breath.

 "Uh... " Barley says eyeing the way Ian is standing. 

"Something wrong?" He says getting annoyed and rolling his eyes.

"Sorry, it's just, your stance is, uh... here" Barley says walking over to Ian.

"Chin up, elbows out, feet apart, back slightly arched"

Barley says as he pulls his chin up, pushing his elbows high, and pushing his back forward. I heard a slight crack in his back when he did so. 

"Okay, how's that feel?"  Barley asks stepping back. 

"Great..." Ian said tightly, It was clear he was uncomfortable. 

"Oh, one more thing..." Barley said stepping closer to Ian again.


"Okay, okay" Barley put his hands up and walked backwards.

"Magnora Gantuan!"

"Don't let the magic spook you" Barley said as a blast of blue magic sparked everywhere.

Dreams do come true// Ian Lightfoot x OCOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant