5. Hearts-Fire

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Ian POV: 

"Aloft Elevar! Aloft Elevar!"

"I can't get this levitation spell to work, maybe I could try something else??"

I was having trouble with this levitation spell for about an hour now and it was starting to piss me off. I flicked to the very back of the spell book.

And found a page that had a spell called "Arcane Lightning"

"What about Arcane Lightning?" I asked Barley

"Yeah, like a level-one mage could bust out the hardest spell in the Enchanter's Guide Book"

Barley blustered. I looked over to Ameria. "He's kind of right you know"

"𝘒𝘪𝘯𝘥 𝘰𝘧?" 

Barley snorted and looked up in the review mirror. "Kind of, is an understatement" 

I rolled my eyes. "Barley can you not, this doesn't help me focus you know!" 

Soon Dad hopped up and placed his shoe on me. I placed my hand on top of his shoe. "Thanks dad" 

I looked over at Ameria who was staring at her phone. Someone was calling her. 

"Is that your Dad?" I ask

She shakes her head. "Mom..." 

"Oh" I say looking at dad. Barley sighs. 

"Ameria, maybe just not focus on your parents right now and maybe try to help Ian with the spell?" 

She seemed shocked at the fact Barley said that. "Me?" 

Barley nodded. "But... aren't you the person who knows all about these things?"

He laughed. "Well yes, but I'm no wizard clearly, but you are and you read all about wizards and spells, that science book says it all" 

Ameria giggled as she grabbed the textbook out of her bag. 

"Barley your making no sense what are you talking about?" I was confused.

Ameria opened the book  the pulled out the front cover. The cover that said Science was on the floor. Turns out it was just a disguise. The "Science" book Ameria was reading all the time was actually a wizard spell book. 

"You've got a good eye, I've got to say" She said folding the science cover. 

"How?! Ha! I didn't even notice!" I chuckled. 

She walked over to me. "Ok Mister, lets get started" 

For the next 15 minutes I kept trying and trying to get the spell to work. But nothing did worked. 

" It's not working. Am I saying it wrong?" I asked, feeling disappointed.

"Well, mmm, your saying it right." Barley said from the drivers seat.

"It's just, for any spell to work, you have to speak from your heart's fire" Barley continued with pride.  

 "My what?" 

"Your heart's fire" Ameria finished.

"You must speak with passion, don't hold back"

"Aloft Elevar!" I yelled

"No, like Aloft Elevar!" Barley protested

"Aloft Elevar!"

"No, from your heart's fire!"

Dreams do come true// Ian Lightfoot x OCWhere stories live. Discover now