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I dreamt of weird things for the next few nights; Danielle dragging me away from Pat and Jon, a little boy with brilliant blue eyes that ran down a hallway away from me while he giggled, Allie and I going to a nightclub where people couldn't see me, and scarily vivid end of the world scenarios that left my heart racing. Dr. Auyeung assured me that this was all pretty normal because of the change in my hormones but it didn't make sleep any easier.

However, things were...quiet around us; Allie came over and spent afternoons with me, she was finally able to meet both of the guys and all three of them got along pretty well, and she and Maritza became an actual couple. It did kind of freak me out in a way, but it wasn't my place to say anything, so I just tried to be as supportive as possible while maintaining some distance from Mari. We didn't tell her about the pregnancy either, not right then anyway, because I was still so early in the whole ordeal that I wasn't out of the immediate red-zone for miscarriage – especially with my abortion earlier in the summer.

But everything else was perfect in our lives; my contract was underway to work with Black Book Publishing, Patrick had brought Jon with him to turn down the job offer, and things in general just became kind of nice for a while. My finger also was on a mend and almost ready to come out of its split so the guys had been nice enough to introduce me to their workout routines; Pat took me running with him in the park, and Jon had shown me how to do leg exercises until I had full control of my hands again. Everything was just a little brighter, I didn't even freak out when Pat went to Poland again without us.

"You'll facetime me when you land?" I asked him for the millionth time.

Patrick grinned and brushed his thumbs over my cheeks as he leaned down for a kiss. His lips urged mine open, coaxing me to let his tongue play with my own. "I will send you some Snapchats from the plane, I will facetime you when I land, and I'll make sure I call before bed. Alright with you, kitten?"

I nodded eagerly and held onto him tightly. "I love you."

"I love you too," he murmured into my hair. "And him too."

I pulled Pat's hand away from my back and pressed it to my stomach. "We'll see you soon."

He kissed my forehead one last time and pulled away, smiling at me with raw, unbridled excitement. "Be good for me."

I rolled my eyes and gave him a playful shove towards the gates. Patrick gave my hand one last reassuring squeeze before turning away and lugging his bags to the security checkpoint. I waved to him and waited until he disappeared into the hordes of people before heading back to the car where Jon was waiting.

He'd made a real effort to talk to me about his meeting with Celestyn and Aleksy Junior, apparently, even his sisters were more receptive to him when he showed up with the deed to the house. I was absolutely thrilled for him, he deserved to have his family welcome him.

At home, Jon had gotten himself wrapped up with something in his office and wasn't telling either of us what it was yet. Whatever he was doing, it was keeping him occupied for several hours at a time. For now though, I couldn't fixate on it, I had other things to do – like get ready for our dinner date since Pat had gotten home today.

I turned in front of the mirror to check my outfit again; the crème coloured, rhinestone wrap dress split apart just above my knees, gathered in little pleats around my waist where my silver belt sat, and spread apart just below my bust to create a plunging neckline. The fact that it had long sleeves and was floor-length was the only saving grace to make it classy enough for dinner. I tucked my hair carefully behind one ear with my bobby pins to make sure people could see the beautiful teardrop sapphire earrings Patrick had brought home for me from Celestyn and gave myself one last spritz of the perfume on the vanity. This is it, I look perfect. Our first dinner with the three of us – I had to look perfect.

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