Chapter Ten

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Krakow was stunning when Jon and I landed; it was old and steeped in religious architecture that I couldn't help but stare at in awe. The only problem was that we couldn't keep our hands off each other and that wasn't the most appropriate thing to do in a church or really around that type of conservative culture. We held out for a little while to do some sightseeing but ultimately we ended up leaving as fast as possible to check-in at the hotel where Pat was staying and picked up our own card keys, the younger man would be home soon enough and when he was I jump him too.

"If you keep squirming like that I'll have to take my belt off."

I tried to protest around the makeshift gag of my panties and Jon's tie, but it didn't do much. I was face down on the bed and the sash from the hotel robe was holding my wrist together behind my back while he fingered me. When I laughed at him for saying he could make bondage gear out of basically anything I didn't expect him to actually come through with it. And anyway how could I not squirm when he had these long-ass fingers that could reach deeper than I ever could?

Jon grabbed a fist full of my hair and pulled me back into a kneeling position in front of him. "What did I just say?" he growled in my ear while his hand tightened around my throat.

I moaned around my gag and lolled back against him. He was man-handling my tits so roughly that it was almost painful but all I could do was arch my back and press myself harder against his palm. We'd been going at it like rabbits since we boarded our plane the night before and showed me that just because we weren't on his private jet that didn't mean that we couldn't make use of our time. But now we were in a private suite and I could be as loud as I wanted – gag permitting anyway.

"Is that what you want?" His lips brushed against my earlobe as he spoke and made me shiver.

They'd threatened me with the belt before, and Jon had spent a good amount of time with me over his knee already that I was worked up now. I wanted to know what it would feel like. Maybe it will be like the flogger. Without a second thought, I nodded eagerly.

"Feel the signal then," he said as he flexed my fingers. "Because I don't want to take the gag out yet."

I nodded again while feeling him stretch my index finger out straight with my other fingers curled into my palm. I could remember this. Once he was sure I could remember the signal he stood me up and bent me back over the bed properly.

"Remember," he told me calmly. "If you move onto the floor or the bed, I will stop. Okay?"

I nodded and flexed the sign at him. He carefully wrapped his belt around his fist and showed me how he planned to do it, just before he took a step back though he made me kiss the soft Italian leather. He took his spot behind me and I closed my eyes while trying to steady myself. When the blow hit I screamed against the gag and buried my face in the sheets. It stung, it hurt, it felt like I was getting whipped with a wire. But then the burn followed it and I started to moan and drool at the throbbing ache it left behind that made me want more.

I didn't give my hand signal or move away, but I did stand myself up better to get back into position for him. Twice more he struck me with it and I screamed, but my pussy dripped and tightened and begged me for more even as he was untying my wrists and sitting me back up.

"You didn't have to stop," I explained breathlessly once my gag was out. "I was okay—"

"You're okay right now," Jon chided, cupping my face so I couldn't look away. "I don't want to hurt you too badly and I don't want to have you sub-drop if it's too intense. Small sessions for now."

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