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Hermione looked in the mirror, admiring what Narcissa's glamours could do. Her curls were smoothed and piled atop her head, showing off the bolder makeup she'd agreed to. Though she found the traditional wedding robes stuffy, she thought the unusual red color made up for the discomfort, and matched her lipstick nicely.

"You look beautiful," Ginny was saying behind her. "Such a lovely bride."

"You really do, Luna," Hermione added, twisting to look at the glowing bride seated next to her. Luna beamed in response. Narcissa had found a glamour to illuminate a person, making their skin catch the light in a way that it sparkled. Luna's long hair was braided with ribbons and flowers, pushed back to show off her untraditional traditional outfit - a vintage fae-made wedding gown she spelled rainbow.

"And you're sure neither of you want to be present for the fertility ceremony after the reception? We'll be bathing in the full moon nude," Luna said cheerfully.

"I, er, appreciate the offer," Ginny said with a smile as she finished with her lipgloss. "But that sounds like something for just you and Theo."

"I thought perhaps Draco would come," Luna said, eyeing Hermione. "And bring you. This is a traditional ceremony, I'm sure Malfoys have done it for generations and, since you'll be getting married soon, might as well come along."

"Oh, something to look forward to," Ginny cooed with faux sincerity to Hermione.

"It's almost time to get down there," Hermione said brightly, ignoring Luna's invitation entirely. "Time for you to make my brother the happiest wizard in the world." She reached out to Luna, helping her up in her elaborate rainbow gown.

"He really will be," Ginny said, gathering the train on Luna's fae-made robes. "I've never seen a bigger dork in love, save maybe Draco," she added with a saucy wink. "Come on Lady Nott-Granger-soon-to-be-Malfoy, help me with this." Hermione rolled her eyes, but grabbed hold of the train too as the three of them made their way from the tent to the meadow.

Hermione glanced at Luna, to see if she was nervous as they reached the aisle in the grass. She found only the witch's usual serene expression and a smile as they greeted Luna's father. Hermione breathed a sigh of relief, though she wasn't surprised. Ginny had been right about Theo being head over heels, but Luna was just as in love with Theo.

The music began to play, a haunting melody that clashed with the levity of the affair. Hermione stifled a laugh; only Luna would pick such a strange song for her marriage march. It signaled the start of the procession, and Hermione clutched her bouquet as she began to walk. She glanced down at the arrangement of dahlias, pink roses, peonies, and orchids and made a mental note to ask Draco what they symbolized. In the rush of the last few months, she'd been too focused on her projects to crack open the book Narcissa had gifted her about flower language. It sat, unopened, next to the snake plant on her bedside table in her and Draco's flat.

In front of her she could see Theo, smiling wide with tears already streaming down his face.

He hasn't even seen her yet, Hermione mused, a smile pulling at her lips. Her chest burned with happiness at his anticipation. She thought of everything Theo had done for her, of what a good man he was. He deserves this kind of love.

He looked sharp in his navy dress robes, though the rainbow stripe down the middle to match Luna's gown broke his traditional look. Theo was barely stopping himself from bouncing on the balls of his feet. Hermione stifled a giggle as she walked to the music.

As she walked down the aisle, she spotted her fiance at the end, standing tall at Theo's side. Draco's blond hair was slicked back, his expression solemn as he watched Theo. Somehow the groomsmen, Draco, Blaise, and Harry, all got away with wearing modern black dress robes. Draco's eyes met hers and his face broke into a wide grin, rivaling that of her brother's. Her heart sped up and she struggled to keep her pace slow with the music, eager to be closer to him.

"Hi," she mouthed at Draco when she reached the end, heat in her cheeks.

"Hi," he mouthed back, before his eyes trailed hungrily down her body and up again. "I love you."

She swallowed roughly, knowing her blush had deepened. As the ceremony began, Hermione tried to focus on her brother and friend, but her gaze kept darting back to Draco. She wondered if their wedding would be anything like this, if it would be outdoor, if they'd have to wear traditional robes, if he would cry like Theo. Since their engagement last weekend in Paris, they hadn't had the chance to talk through the details as they helped Theo and Luna prepare for their nuptials.

Later, dancing in his arms, she laid her head on his chest and whispered, "I love you."

"I love you too," he said, leaning down and rumbling low in her ear. "This is exactly what I needed - a break, a celebration of my best friend," he stopped and Hermione could tell he was looking around for Theo on the dancefloor before he added, "with my brilliant witch in my arms."

"It's been a busy few months," Hermione agreed. "But now that we've passed the Lust Potion Law and I've got the other Diagon Alley patrons buy-in on the Displaced Magical Creature Center, we can afford to take a break."

"Well, not quite," he said before spinning her around. She furrowed her brow up at him as he caught her in his arms. "I was going to surprise you tomorrow, but I can't wait. Do you remember that Tippy and I were in our second test trial of the new memory potion with the rats?"

"Yes?" Hermione asked, fighting to keep a smirk off her face. She'd walked in on the pair wearing Muggle lab coats, or Draco wearing one and Tippy in a child's doctor costume, after she'd talked through Muggle lab practices.

"It can go to the third trial," Draco said, his words rushing together. "We're close." His words had an undercurrent of desperation and Hermione knew he was thinking of his self-imposed deadline, the one he hadn't shared with her. With his late nights and growing frustration, she'd guessed that he wanted to restore her parents before their wedding next year.

She looked up at him, heart full of love. The idea of getting her parents back had been all that drove her for years, and it was still something she wanted desperately. But as she looked around, she saw Ron, Harry, Neville, and Blaise laughing, Theo spinning Luna in circles with a lovesick expression, Narcissa and Ginny whispering conspiratorially, and Mr. and Mrs. Weasley slow dancing in the corner.

"I want to give this to you, Hermione," Draco said gently. "I want to give your family back."

"Even if we can't fix their minds, it'll be okay," she said, squeezing him as they swayed. "I knew the risks when I made the choice to wipe their memories, and I'd do it again if I had to." She sighed, a mixture of grief and joy leaving her body. "I have my family here," she said, gesturing to the people around them. "With you. You're my family, Draco."

He smiled down at her, squeezing her tightly.Hermione rested her head on his chest again, content with her place in this world; she was a lion by choice, a wolf by blood, and part of multiple families by fortune.

What Do A Lion And A Wolf Share?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora