The Ball

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Malfoy's warning about his mother's interest in the two of them dating rang in Hermione's head as she finished reviewing details with Narcissa at the cafe, but the older witch thankfully never mentioned the snake plant miscommunication. Instead, when they finished, Narcissa grabbed her hand and squeezed it once.

"I hope you know that you've become very dear to me these last few months," Narcissa said tenderly. "Like a daughter."

"Thank you, Narcissa," the brunette replied, caught off guard by the open affection from the usually closed off witch. "Not just for saying that, but for everything. With my mom so far away and since I haven't shared the news with either of my parents yet," Hermione said, choosing her words carefully. "I can't tell you how grateful I am for your guidance and encouragement." The blonde's face broke into a warm smile, her eyes shining, and Hermione returned the squeeze as they held hands over the table.

"I had hoped desperately that we'd get on like this. I was so worried when I learned the news that you'd never forgive us for that day at the manor." Narcissa's face darkened as she spoke, her eyes flickering to Hermione's covered forearm. It took substantial effort for Hermione not to pull away and hid it under the table. "We paid our price, of course, Draco the heaviest." The woman looked out the window, suddenly very far away.

"What do you mean by that?" Hermione asked sharply, feeling as though it were obvious that she'd paid the heaviest price for that afternoon.

"Oh," Narcissa said, shaking her head and taking her hand back. She looked uncomfortable, as though she'd shared something she shouldn't have. "Nothing, darling girl."

"Narcissa, please," Hermione asked softly, her curiosity always getting the better of her. The older witch held her gaze for just a moment before releasing a small sigh.

"Just that V-Vol- the Dark Lord tortured Draco after you got away," Narcissa whispered with difficulty. It was the first time Hermione had heard the polished witch stumble over something. Usually Hermione would have focused on that, but she was too worried about what the woman across from her would say next. "Well, first Luicius, then Draco. Bella, though she had her faults, protected me from the same punishment. Although I had to watch them both suffer, silenced by her. He tortured Draco within an inch of his life, I was terrified he'd go mad like the Longbottoms," Narcissa sniffed, pausing to calm herself. "When the Dark Lord stopped, I was certain he'd kill us all, but thankfully he spared us instead." Narcissa shrugged lightly as she finished, but at Hermione's horrified face she began to backtrack. "Oh no, please don't blame yourself. Draco knew the risk when he made the decision to lie, just like I did when I lied about Mister Potter. I know he didn't talk about the consequences during the trial, but I assure you that he consciously made the choice. It was not your fault - I didn't mean to upset you."

As Narcissa spoke, it felt like her voice was drifting further away. Hermione had always considered what Malfoy did to be brave; he saved their lives by lying to his parents and psychotic aunt. But she never considered that he had faced severe consequences for it. He'd never mentioned it, it never once came up in the trials. Surely Draco Malfoy, who cried that he'd been mortally wounded by a Hippogriff scratch in their third year, would have told someone about the pain he endured.

"Hermione?" Narcissa's gentle voice broke through her thoughts.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I was just thinking," Hermione said. "Thank you for telling me, Narcissa. I - I had no idea."

"Yes, well, war is difficult for everyone. But I'm so glad for our fresh start. I think tonight will be the first step in undoing a lot of the bad created in the last war." The women nodded at each other, before saying a quick goodbye. Just as they left the cafe, Narcissa had that familiar small smile playing at her lips as she held her head high, looking effortlessly elegant once again. As they parted ways Hemrione absently wondered if Narcissa was an occlumens and that is what she was constantly so unperturbed.

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