A Hell Of An After Party

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"You bastard," Draco roared as he crossed the magically expanded garden behind the gallery heading for Flint. Said bastard was smoking with a crowd of men Draco recognized as older Slytherins, about half of them connected in some regard to Voldemort. Out of the corner of his eye he could see Theo racing in his direction.

"Here to thank me already, Malfoy?" Flint smirked, flicking his nearly done magical cigar to the ground. "A little quick, but whatever wets your wand." He shrugged nonchalantly as he spoke, his mocking tone making the group around them chuckle.

Draco heard a crack as his fist collided with Flint's nose before he realized he'd punched him. He brought his fist back and caught the side of Flint's head with his second blow. Before he could land a third punch, Harry sodding Potter was holding him back while Theo was yelling in his face, his lanky body between Draco and the group of angry men surrounding a floored Flint.

"What are you doing, Draco? Are you trying to ruin the whole night?" Theo was yelling, although his voice sounded far away to the blond. "Hermione is going to kill me right after she finishes killing you!"

"He drugged Herm - Granger," Draco spat with more venom in his voice than he thought capable, struggling against Potter. He kept his eyes on Flint who was now sneering up at Draco, blood spouting from his nose and running down his face. "He fucking drugged her!"

"What?" Potter growled behind him in a tone that rocketed Draco back to a Hogwarts bathroom in their sixth year.

"He dosed her with some sort of lust potion." Draco broke from Potter's grasp, whirling towards him and finding anger overwhelming his green eyes. "She took a single sip from a glass this bastard gave her and she was crawling all over me when I tried to escort her home. I originally thought she'd just had too much to drink."

"Did you do something to her, Ferret?" Weasley appeared next to Harry, shoving Malfoy hard in the chest.

"How is it possible that you're even dumber than you look, Weasel? If I did, why would I be here beating this arsehole up, and not basking in the afterglow with Granger?" Behind Theo, Flint was back on his feet, one of his friends holding him back.

"You're saying Flint drugged Hermione with a lust potion?" Theo said, watching Draco closely. The blond nodded, rage still bubbling in his chest. "Right then," Theo sniffed before he turned to punch Flint in the eye. For a moment Draco was shocked, as his oldest friend wasn't violent. But he didn't have much time to process because the moment Theo acted, the two groups of mostly inebriated men crashed together, fists flying.

"She'd hate that we are doing this," Potter yelled, shoving one of Flint's friends, accidentally sending him tumbling into Ron. Draco pulled the man off Ron just as he started pummeling the ginger's head and threw him down on the ground, away from the group. Ron rubbed his head and nodded at Draco, a frown still fixed to his face.

"What she doesn't know won't hurt her then," Theo yelled, rubbing his arm and glaring at a sandy blond bent over in pain. "That really hurt, you shite!" Just as Draco pushed past an older Slytherin to help Theo, Flint jumped in front of the wizard again, looking murderous.

Draco hit Flint in the face again, before shouting, "Give it to me! Give me the potion!" When Marcus started laughing, Draco pushed him down into the grass and started rummaging through his pockets. Under him, Flint squirmed to get up, pushing him and trying to pull at his hair. Once Draco grabbed a small vial from Flint's robe pocket, he felt the wizard's fist connect with his eye. Both his eyes began to water, blurring the fight in front of him.

"Enough," bellowed a feminine voice, full of fury. The group was pulled apart by an invisible force. Wand in hand, Luna stepped aside for her loud friend to take over. "What is happening here?" Ginny demanded, zeroing in on her boyfriend and brother with a vengeance.

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