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Yuji and I jumped around as we dodge the attacks the curse was giving us. I seemed to be spitting out blood. Yuji made a direct hit on it. We both went back and forth on it. Though, it grabbed our arms. "Got you!" the curse spoke. Yuji and I jumped over it and kicked its back. I looked back on where the curse spat its blood on. Could its blood be poisonous? It reminds me of acid. "What's this? You two are strong. That's no fun." the curse said. 

I looked over and my eyes widen. "Kugisaki..." I said. "Oh, hey, it's my older brother!" the curse said and began to run away. "Me, too!" it shouted. Yuji and I chased after it. It then went into the dark hole. "Hah?!" Yuji and I shouted. "It fled! Should I let it go?" Yuji asks. "Chase after it! Kugisaki and that thing went outside the barrier! She might be battling something more troublesome than we expected! In contrast, things are far easier here than anticipated! I can handle this by myself! Prioritize Kugisaki! Go after it!" Megumi said. Yuji agreed and went out. "I'm not leaving you behind. Even if this is just an easier curse to exorcise. I'm not leaving you. Yuji is more than enough help for Kugisaki." I told him. Megumi looked at me and let out a sigh. "You're a stubborn woman," he told me. I smile at him. 

We got all the little curses down, and I hope it was the last one. I closed my eyes and heard something dripping. I look up to see some sort of pod hanging from the top. My eyes widen as the curse dropped down. Wait- The victims were killed in June...In June... I remembered back when Yuji ate Sukuna's finger. I then saw the curse making some sort of slingshot. Megumi notices and pulls me behind him. He tried blocking the attack with the sword, but it broke. This thing is stronger! Megumi moved us away and tried calling for Nue. "Megumi!" I shouted. 

- Megumi POV -

I opened my eyes as I woke up from being knocked out for a moment. I was lost in my thoughts until I heard a scream. My breathing hitched as I saw (Y/n)'s arm being broken. She kicked it away, but still went down. "(Y/n)..." I muttered. She looked up at me. "Megumi," she said. I pulled my hands out. I have to protect her..."Sacred treasure, swing..." I said. The curse backed away in fear. I began to think about what Sukuna said to me. I smirked and put my hands up. "Screw it!" I shouted. "Spit out the entire depths of my shadow...Worry about the specific structure later, and just push it out as soon as I collect the curse energy. Imagine a future version of myself who's freely surpassed my limits. I'll do it!" I said to myself. (Y/n) got up and ran to take cover, as she noticed what I was doing. 

- (Y/n) POV -

I watched as Megumi used his domain expansion. I felt so weak and helpless. The curse had an upper hand on me, and I was almost crushed like a twig. I hissed at the pain as I moved my broken arm a bit. A bit of bone was sticking out. I breathe in and out as I pushed it back in. I held in my scream, not wanting to worry Megumi more and get distracted. I grabbed a branch and tore off my sleeve. I wrapped the sleeve around the stick and my arm. After tieing it up, I noticed the scenery began to change. I looked over to see Megumi looking tired. "M-Megumi!" I got up and ran to him. I kneeled and let his head rest on my lap. "H-Hey, you did amazing...you defeated the curse..." I smile at him. He looked up at me. "Damn, my head hurts," he complained. I giggle a little and rubbed his head. I noticed that he had Sukuna's finger in his hands. "Now, how do we break the news about the finger...to...Itadori..." He put his hand down and looked back at me. "Just rest. You did more than enough." I told him. "I want you beside me..." he said. I smile and lay next to him. He wrapped his arm around my waist gently. I rested my head on his shoulder a bit. I closed my eyes and fell asleep next to him. I need to get stronger...strong like Megumi...


"F-Fushiguro...(Y-Y/n)?!" I opened my eyes and sat up a bit. "Oh, you're back. I'm glad you're safe." Megumi said. "I-I was so scared! I thought you two were dead! Thank goodness!" Kugisaki and Yuji shouted. I rubbed Megumi's head a bit. "Could you two lower it down?" I ask politely. "AHH! (Y/n)! You're arm i-it's-!" I hit Yuji with my good arm. "Didn't I say to be quiet?!" I hissed at him. He held his head and groaned in pain. "Yes, it's broken, but I'm fine." I sigh. We then discussed what to do with the finger. We told Yuji not to eat it, but Sukuna - being the sly bastard he is- ate it. "Yuji!" I shouted. "Me?!" he shouted back. Nitta-san then shouted at us from up top. "I'm hungry." Kugisaki and I said. Megumi held me close to him as we walked. 


"Hah!" I shouted as I kicked the punching bag. I used my good arm to take the last punch,  making the punching bag break out its chain. I was still injured, but I wouldn't let that stop me from training harder. I picked up the other punching bag and continued my training. "(Y/n), don't push yourself. You're still recovering." Gojo said as he peeked into the room. I continued hitting the bag and ignored his words. He let out a small chuckle. "Megumi is right...you are a stubborn woman," he said before leaving. I let out a small grin and punched through the bag. 


I shook my head as Kugisaki and Yuji were making a scene. I looked over at Megumi, who was taking on the phone with someone. Kugasaki noticed and stopped fighting. Apparently, Gojo wants us to meet up. Another top-secret mission was in place for us. I smiled and we went off. 

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