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I stood beside Nobara as she was getting drinks for us and our senpais. "Couldn't they have put in anymore vending machines?" She asked. "No, they can't. There are only so many workers that come onto the campus." Fushigiro replied. I hummed and looked over as I heard footsteps.

A tall buff guy with a scar over his eye and a girl that looks alike Maki. "Mai Zenin. I'm surprised to see you. What are you doing here?" Fushigiro said to the girl. "Oh, another one? They do look alike. Are they sisters?" Nobara asked. "Yes, they're twins." Fushigiro informed. Another pair of twins? Cool! "Don't call me a twin, Fushigiro. You make it sound as if Maki were my equal. You outta just call me Mai." Mai said as she winked a bit. "So these three are subs to Okkotsu's and third-years." The buff guy said. "We came with the principal because we were worried about you. Your classmate died, we heard. Was that rough, or did it not effect you that much?" She asked with a smug smile. I rolled up my sleeve and glared at her. "That my twin brother you're talking about! No one disrespects him like that." I growled. Fushigiro held me back. She seemed amused by my outburst. "What are you trying to say?" Fushigiro asked as he pulled me back. "Hey, it's alright. Some things are hard to admit out loud. So let me say it for you, calling him a vessel makes it sound nice, but the truth is that he was a half-cursed monster. Having that tainted human being beside you - who was brazing in calling himself a jujutsu sorcerer - must've been revolting, right? So are you feeling better now that he's dead?" She smiled. I growled at her. "Keep talking and smiling like that....I'll put you six feet under. So if you want to keep talking about my brother like that, you have another thing coming to you." I smiled grimly.

She looked at me and her breathing hitched

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She looked at me and her breathing hitched. "Mai, why do you always have to stir things up?" The big guy distracted me and I looked up at him. "I'm only here for one thing, to see if these guys are fit to take Okkotsu's place. That's all I want to know!" He said. He looked at Fushigiro. "Fushigiro was it? WHAT KIND OF WOMAN IS YOUR TYPE?!" The three of us tilted our heads and looked at him weirdly. "Huh?" We asked. "If I don't like your answer, I might have to beat you half to death right here." He said and ripped off his shirt. Why are buff guys always taking off their shirts? It's weird... "Oh and by the way, my type of woman is a tall one with a big gorgeous ***!" He said. He looked over to me and eyed me up and down. I hid behind Nobara feeling uncomfortable by his stare. "Why would I want to discuss my taste in women? Especially with you, a guy I just met?" Fushigiro asked. "That's true. This guy is seriously anti-social." Nobara pointed out. "You're not helping me. Please don't talk, and make this any harder than it already is." Fushigiro said. I giggled a little. "Kyoto, third-year, Aoi Todo. Introduction over. Now we're friends, so hurry up and answer my question. If you prefer men that's fine too. A person's fetishist reveals everything about them. People with boring taste in woman are boring people themselves. And there is nothing I hate more than finding a man boring. The exchange event is somewhere where I can be free. As the builds and the flesh clashes. Who knows what I'll do on my last exchange event ends up boring me." Todo said. He was very persistent on finding out what woman type was Fushigiro's. I wouldn't mind knowing- wait! Don't be a dummy! He may not like you! It's just a puppy crush! I argued with myself on my head. "I don't...really have a type. As long as one's character is unshakable. There's nothing more I could ask for." Fushigiro said. I smiled a bit at that. Though I felt a hint of jealousy as Mai looked at him weirdly. "That's not a bad answer. If you have said big boobs then I'd have to kill you." Nobara said. "Shut up." Fushigiro said to her without losing his temper. "I knew it...you really are boring, Fushigiro." Todo said. My eyes widen as Todo came after him. "Fushigiro!" I ran up to him and also got hit by Todo. I got up and looked over to him. "You okay?" I asked. He nodded. The two began to talk about curse techniques and such.

I'm lazy so we'll skip a bit ahead.

Fushigiro was quickly grabbed by Todo's arms. Crap! He's fast! I backed up and jumped on Todo's back. "Let go of him!" I shouted. I felt him grab my hoodie, and pulled me into his arms with Fushigiro. "S***." I muttered. "I don't really hurt girls that look gorgeous like you, but I also have to see if you're worthy." He bent back and slammed up on the ground. I felt blood trickle on my head. I moved back as Todo went to punch the ground. I kept blocking Todo's punches. Dammit! Find an opening! I yelled at myself in my head. I looked up and found it. Let's say they're on the roof now. There! I jumped up and wrapped my legs around his head. I used all my strength to pick him up, and slam him down face first into the ground. "What the hell are three doing?!" Panda shouted as he jumped down. "I think I got him." I said as I stood up. I then fell on my knees. "(Y/n)! Are you alright?!" Panda asked me. "Yup! My legs are just a little shaky from carrying him up...he's heavy." I groaned. I went over to Fushigiro and tore off my sleeves. "I swear, you should go full on out when you fight. You're head is always bleeding. I'd hate for you get hurt more and lose your memories. That's no fun." I said as I cleaned off his blood.

- Megumi POV -

I looked at her soft smile. The way she cares is so warm and gentle. "R-Right...sorry." I said to her. She laughed, and held out her hand towards me. "Don't be sorry. You have more potential in you than I have myself." She said. I grabbed her hand and got up. I looked at her and saw more of her beautiful features. I then looked at her bloody hoodie sleeves. I'll have to get her a new hoodie. As a thanks. I thought to myself. "Don't worry about the hoodie. I have a lot more." She said as if she read my mind. I'm still getting it for her. She let go of my hand as we made it back down to the ground. Don't let go...I wanted to reach out for her, but it would be too weird. Especially when others are around. I released out a sigh. "You have potential too, y'know. Don't put yourself down." I said to her. She turned her head to me. She smiled kindly and continued to walk beside me. I smiled back at her, but it was a small one.

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