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- Yuji POV -

I got up and I was excited to see my sister again. She's going to be so happy! I hope she doesn't kill me... I ran into the room where Nanami and Gojo were in. "Well c'mon guys! I'm ready to go see everyone! I can't wait to see my sister! I can't wait! It's so exciting! I'm so pumped!" I said with stars in my eyes. "Yuji, what are you thinking? After all this time, you can't just show up like nothing happened." Gojo said. "Eh?! I can't?!" I asked. "Even amoung sorcerers, it's rare to come back from the dead after being gone for two whole months. So we have to make it as a surprise." Gojo smiled. "A surprise? How?" I asked. "You just leave all that to me!" Gojo smiled. He then explained on what will happen when I surprise them. I'm so excited!

- (Y/n) POV-

I patted Nobara's back to calm her rage down. "I promise we can go to Kyoto some time. Y'know, have a girls day out." I smiled at her. "(Y/n)! You sweet sunshine!" She hugged me tightly. "N-Nobara...a-air!" I gasped. "Hey, here they come." Maki said. We stopped and looked over at the group. "Oh damn, the whole Tokyo crowd here together. You actually came here to greet us? So armature." Mai said. "I don't see Okkotsu anywhere." Todo said as he rubbed the back of his head. "You should shut up. You're way nicer and prettier when your mouth is shut. Maybe I should sew it together? I did get an A in creativity." I said to her with a smile. Again she seemed frightened by my smile. "You really are a devil in disguise." She said to me. "Thanks so much! Unfortunately, I can't say that there's an angel within you." I smiled and stuck my middle finger and tongue at her. She growled at me. "You go (Y/n)!" Nobara cheered for me. "Salmon!" Inumaki added. "Woah, who's that first-year bad***?" A short girl asked. The other students talked among themselves. Just then their teacher came in and asked where Gojo was. "Speaking of the devil." I said as I turned my head seeing him run in. "Sorry for the wait!" He smiled. I looked at him weirdly as he brought in gifts. "Glad to see everyone together! Just getting back from a big ol' business trip overseas! So now it's time to hand out the souvenirs!" He announced. He handed Kyoto theirs and got really excited about the one for Tokyo. My eyes widen as I saw my brother. My eyes bursted into tears. "YUJI! I KNEW YOU WERE ALIVE STILL!!" I cried and went to hug him. I carried him out of the box and hugged him tighter. "Don't ever do that again! You gave me a heart attack! For now on, we're going to stick together like glue! Like when we were kids! I missed you so much! You know how many days I've cried because of your death! Don't ever leave me behind again! You promised me!" I cried out. I then grabbed his collar and headbutted him. He fell on the floor and I continued to grab his collar. "SUKUNA YOU SON OF A B***!! IF YOU PULL THAT KIND OF TRICK AGAIN, I'LL KILL YOU! ONCE I SEPARATE YOU AND YUJI, I'LL HAVE YOU DEAD! YOUR HEAD MOUNTED ON MY WALL KIND OF DEATH! YOU HEAR ME! THAT GOES FOR ANYONE ELSE THAT'S TRYING TO KILL MY BROTHER AND YOU! I SWEAR ON MY LIFE THAT YOU WON'T LIVE TO SEE ANOTHER F***ING DAY!! SO WATCH WHAT YOU DO THE NEXT F***ING TIME YOU WANT TO TAKE OVER! EVER SO MUCH OF A SCRATCH THAT YOU DO ON HIM...I'LL BE THE ONE TO SLOWLY KILL YOU! UNDERSTAND?!" I yelled. "S-S-S-Sis...i-it's g-g-good to s-s-see yo-you t-t-to-too." Yuji stutterd. I picked him up and carried him in my arms. "You're my brother and if anyone is going to kill you they have to get through me!" I said. I then notice that everyone was staring at us. I blushed from embarrassment. "Who made you the oldest! We were both born at the same time!" Yuji shouted at me. I dropped him. "Because I'm more responsible than you, dummy!" I shouted at him. "You're the dummy!" We both stuck out our tongues at each other. We both then quickly pinched the others tounge. "Ow!" We both whined. I grabbed his arm, and threw him back into the back. "It's great to have you back!" I shouted. "You too!" He shouted. "You two have the oddest way of showing affection." Gojo said. I crossed my arms and huffed.

- Sukuna POV -

The yelling...I could never get away from the yelling and threatening. I smiled a little. You never change sister. I missed you.

- Megumi POV -

I stared at (Y/n) as she threatened Sukuna. She can be a real angel but when someone disrespects her brother...all hell goes loose. Gojo was right about one thing...they both had an odd way of showing sibling affection. I looked above me as she threw her brother back into the box. I have to admit...it was attractive to see her so dark for that moment. But it's also like opening Pandora's Box when she's like this. Trouble is bound to come out. Kugizaki and I walked over to Yuji. "(Y/n) took care of the emotions and screaming. Now don't you have something to say?" Kugizaki asked. "I'm sorry for not telling you I was alive..." he said.

- (Y/n) POV -

Principal Yaga explained the rules and what we're going to be doing for today's event.

I hugged my brother as we discussed about our plans. "Tch! He can't beat me in anything." I said. "Says who?" We both began to fight and wrestle with each other. We then laughed and hugged each other. "I missed you bro/sis!" We laughed. "You two are the oddest twins I've ever seen." Nobara said. I laughed and gave a thumbs up. "That's us!" We both said.

- NO POV -

"How are we going to kill Itadori Yuji if his sister is going to be in the way?" Miwa asked. She's really scary when someone messes with her brother. She thought in her head. "We'll just have to separate them. Mai, you seem to have beef with her." Kamo said. "As much as I want to...she's intimidating to say the least. She took down Todo with one hit." Mai sighed as she crossed her arms. "She really is a terrifying. And you heard what she said, she'll mount our heads on her wall if we try to kill her brother." Momo said. "Killing is forbidden." Mechamura reminded.  Kamo sighed and told the others that he'll take care of (Y/n). "I'll take Fushigiro and her on, once I get them together." He said.

- (Y/n) POV -

I looked at my brother. He seemed to have something on his mind. "Yuji, what wrong? Something is on your mind." I said. "What? It's nothing." I frowned and glared at him. "It's okay. I'm fine, I'll tell you later after all of this. Okay?" He said. I sighed heavily and held up my pinky. "Promise?" I aasked. "Promise." He chuckled. We interlocked our pinkies and nodded. "You're still such a kid." He laughed. "Takes one to know one." I put one arm around his neck and noogie his head. "C'mon you crazy twins! Let's do this for Maki!" Nobara cheered. "Yeah!" I smiled. I ran next to Fushigiro and placed my hand on his shoulder. "In that case, let's win!" Yuji smiled. I giggled seeing Yuji getting kicked by Maki.

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