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I stayed with Fushigiro to wait out for my brother. Just then I felt the sudden change in the area. I looked back up to the building. "Is the curse dead?" I asked. I then felt a presence behind us. Sukuna! I stayed still not wanting to attack just yet. "Yeah sorry, but he isn't going to be coming back." Sukuna said. "H-Huh?" I asked. "There's no reason to be scared, I'm in such a great mood right now. So let's just chat for a bit." He walked in front of us. "The kid had it coming for using me without making any kind of a deal. And now it looks like he's having trouble on switching back. But no matter on what he did it would've ended up the same." Sukuna then ripped Yuji's shirt apart. "So I've been thinking of the new ways I can do this!" I gasped as I saw his hand dig into his chest. "What are you doing?" Fushigiro asked him. I couldn't speak. No words were coming out of my mouth. Yuji...my eyes widen seeing Sukuna rip out my brother's heart.  "I'm taking this brat hostage." He said. He then took out one of his fingers and ate it. What am I supposed to do?! I don't have anything to put Yuji back to normal! I can't put his heart back in like nothing! I couldn't control myself from crying. I covered my eyes and tried to stop. "You monster!" I shouted. "(Y/n)! Wait!" Fushigiro shouted at me as I ran towards Sukuna. I dodged Sukuna's attack and grabbed his head. "GIVE ME MY BROTHER BACK!" I yelled at him. I headbutt him. I jumped back as he staggered back. He looked at me with a glare, but something else was hidden behind his eyes. I didn't care because right now...I'm pissed as hell! "Heal his heart! That's my brother and you're not going to take him away from me!" I shouted. I ran up to him to punch his face. But he grabbed my fist. He didn't look at me and frown was placed upon his face. He mouth something but I couldn't hear it. I was then tossed to the side like I was nothing. I hit many trees as he threw me. I groaned as I finally came to a stop. I felt rain drops fall on my face. "Brother..." I cried. I closed my eyes as I began to pass out.


I got up a few minutes later when I  passed out. I was hurting but I still continue to find Fushigiro and Sukuna. I saw them, but the tattoos were gone from Yuji. "YUJI!" I cried out. I ran to him, but my heart broke seeing him fall forward. "NO!" I shouted. I went over to his body and screamed in pain. "DON'T LEAVE ME! WAKE UP, YOU DUMMY! HEY! STOP PLAYING AROUND! YUJI! WAKE UP! WAKE UP!" I cried out to him. I hugged his body not caring that his blood was on me. "Don't leave me...I can't live without my twin brother..." I whimpered. I WAS SUPPOSED TO KEEP YOU ALIVE!! I'M SO WEAK!!

"(Y/n)...." Nobara knocked on the door. I've been trapped in Yuji's room refusing to go out. I didn't want to believe he was dead! We're twins! I know when he's still alive! I could feel a little of him still alive. "You have to eat. Please come out." She said. I stayed silent and refused to look at the door. "(Y/n), you have to come out. Your brother wouldn't want you to be sad and trap yourself from others." Fushigiro said. "There's no point! I was supposed to keep him alive! I failed because I'm weak! He's gone because of me! I couldn't save him!" I shouted. My head was starting to hurt on how much I was crying. I hugged Yuji's hoodie and ignored the two.

"Yuji! Don't leave me behind!" I cried as I grabbed his hand. "You're needy, y'know that?" He said. I pouted at that. "Is that bad?" I asked and cried a little. He quickly hugged me. "Of course not, dummy! I love you and I would never leave my only twin behind! Never." He said. I smiled and grabbed his hand.
"I'll never leave you behind either!" I smiled at him. "Let's go before grandpa gets mad." I added. He nodded and we ran back home.

I looked around sadly at the table. Sure I was good at making friends, but I didn't realize that they were fake. It was my birthday and no one showed up. "Don't cry, (Y/n)! Look! I got you a present!" Yuji cheered me up. I smiled at him knowing I can always count on my brother. "Yuji! You'll always be my best friend!" I giggled and hugged him. "You're my best friend, too!" He laughed with me.

I cried more as I thought about our time together. Yuji was all I had left after Grandpa died. Why did the world have to take him so soon? I was alone...I lost my best friend...my twin brother...my only family...how could I be happy again?

- Megumi POV -

"Fushigiro...take care of my sister. She's going to need it."

I looked back at the room she trapped herself in. I looked at the door handle, and tried to think of what to do. I was never good at helping someone getting better from mourning. I opened the door and there she was. Laying on his bed, and her back turned to the door. I walked over to her and saw she was sleeping. Her eyes and nose were all red. She must've passed out from all the crying. I sat beside her and looked at her. I moved the strands of her away from her face. "(Y/n)..." What am I supposed to say? I took a deep breath and looked away from her. "It's not easy to lose someone you've known for a long time. Especially a family member. I may have not known him as long as you but...he really is a good person. A person who didn't deserve to die just yet. Even if you didn't save him, I'm sure he would've wanted you to continue his quest to save as many people as he can. You are strong, but you have to get stronger to prevent things like that from happening again. I know you can do it...I believe in you." I said. I looked back at her and felt heat rising up to my face. What am I doing?! Before I knew it....I kissed her cheek. Crap! Why did I do that?! I was only just going to tell her that and not do anything else! I just hope she heard my words and didn't feel anything on her cheek. I got up and walked out of the room. I went outside to find Kugizaki.


Panda asked if we can join the Sister Exchange event. "What's that?" I heard a soft voice ask. I looked behind me and saw (Y/n). "(Y/n)! Are you feeling a bit better?" Kugizaki asked her. She hugged (Y/n) and brought her down to meet the others. "My brother is still dead, so not really. But...I want to keep fighting. For him." She said. She looked at me and I noticed she blushed a little. "Thank you for saying those things to me." She said. I looked away and felt heat rise to my face a bit. "Sure." I replied. I then explained what the event was. Maki then explained on why we have to participate. Panda also explained more about the event to us.

- (Y/n) POV -

"You can count me in as well." I smiled. "But if I decided that your exchange event is pointless then I'll quit instantly." Nobara said. "Same here." Fushigiro agreed. I laughed nervously at their words. "I'll keep helping even if it is pointless." I rubbed the back of my head. "(Y/n), you're so kind!" Nobara squished my cheeks again. "Nobara, please stop. It hurts when you do that." I smiled nervously at her.

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