"ALL THESE YEARS, I ALWAYS SAY THAT HE DID GREAT EVEN IF ITS NOT FUCKING TRUE. I ALWAYS TAKE CARE OF HIM AND...and he? He gives me nothing in return, nothing! I don't want to be always sad whenever I came home, to hear some great news of other moms. I'm happy for you all...I am really, but who's–" she pauses to calm herself down.

"..who's happy for me when I got nothing anymore? He is a no"



Beomgyu wakes up from his sleep, sweat dropping down his forehead, only his heavy breathing can be heard.


"Nothing." he recalls. He is nothing to her. To his mom. To all of them.

"Oh Gyu, you are already awake." Soobin suddenly shows up,"Did you sleep wel-well?..." this honestly was a stupid question, Soobin admits.

So he immediatly rushes to his friend, his face full of worrieness.

"Again?" he already knows where things go out but he wishes that it was just something harmless.

Beomgyu sometimes is a drama auntie. Maybe he does inherite from his mom.

That doesn't matter.

"She just wanted happiness...and I couldn't gave her that."

"When she says she wasn't happy then she will be happy someday. The day, where you can show her that she was absolutely wrong." Soobin comforts his best friend.

"Indeed wrong." Hueningkai pops his head from the now open door and enters the room, joining the other two.

"I'm sorry again about yesterday..."

Beomgyu smiles softly at Hueningkai first and then turns his gaze to Soobin.

"Come here Gyu."

They now share a hug. A comfortable warm hug, in which they snuggled eachother and enjoying the peaceful moment.

"Thank you guys for everything."


[TPQ UNIVERSAL Building, 04:56 p.m]

"So Beomgyu please learn your script scene 123 to 125 for tomorrow as director Cho ask for it."

"You also has a presse conference on a saturday at 3:30 p.m.–"

"And don't forget the meeting with Mr. Kim today. He wants all actor of '50 : 50' together–"

"Beomgyu-ssi you need to–"

"Everyone, take a breath first! You all shower me with too many things right now!" Beomgyu scoffs, obviously annoyed,"And where is my ice americano?"

A bunch of people follows after Beomgyu as they walk through the long hall in TPQ Building.

TPQ Universal is known as one of the biggest film producer worldwide.
With numerous of movies, drama series and their animation cartoon they were loved by many people.

"Beomgyu-ssi, you can go home earlier today. The best is to take the evelator, you know...too many stairs." manager Jun suggests to which he gestures his index finger to the evelator's direction few meters away.

Squeezed in between the staff members and his manager, Beomgyu is being able to press the button at storey one, the exit.

'BEOMGYU WAIT!" someome shouts from afar. With a smooth move, a male manages to join the crowd inside in time.

"Hell no, what is he doing here?"

Beomgyu thought he can just go home without becoming migraine of a certain someone.

"Not a 'heyy Tony'? or 'oh what a surprise, how are you doing' ?"

Beomgyu takes a deep sigh. He doesen't care to spare a word to this honk. You can't tell how much he hates this guy right here and he also have to see this face everyday. He is one of few people who hate him but the amount of fans he got says otherwise.

Tony has millions of them.

"Boy, why do you have dark cycles under your eyes? Didn't sleep well?" Tony chuckles at his own question and praise himself.

"You better don't waste your time here, cuz mmh...look at you." he burst out laughing, while the others stays quite,"You can't even endure the stress now how would it be in five years?"


In an instant, all of them included Beomgyu gathers out of the evelator. Tony speeds up his pace to reach Beomgyu until both stay next to each other. Tony lowers his level to the ear of the other male, which Beomgyu doesn't catch off guard — may be a bit.

"See there?" Tony points to the crowd infront of the exit, who waves at them, some are screaming.

"They love me." he comes nearer with a smirk plasters on his face.

"Only me."

Beomgyu still remains the straight face, doesn't dare to show any weakness. But he hate it here.

Tony walks away and how magic can change things fast, his evil smirk turns into a big bright smile.

"I love you Tony!!"

"No I love him more!!"


Beomgyu still cannot believe that this arrogant was his first best friend.

His mom was best friends with his mom so they came to the brilliant idea to hook them together as forever friends.

The only problem was, that he never saw Tony as a friend, more like an enemy since day one. But who cared?

However, his mom seemed to like the imagine of him hanging out with Tony so he kind of forming himself to be with this aggorant.

"Everything for mom" that was all he said back then.

Beomgyu rolles his eyes at the sight from far away, crossing both of his arms to his chest. Manager Jun on the other hand chuckles at the young actor's behavior.

"This boy..."

"Just let's go home."


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