Chapter 15

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[A/N]: I can't believe it's chapter 15already. This story have come so far so thank you for your support.

I hope you like this chapter :)x ps I have a new story coming up! You'll like it! I hope you do...another ps I didn't check this chapter so you find some spelling mistake please do forgive me.

- Shouq xxx

The way his hands slowly held my waist, and his lips tenderly touching mine. The whole situation was magical even the timing.

I barely slept form my excitement, I have never felt this way before. It was magical,wonderful...just flawless.

I got up and immediately showered, as I entered to the room I finally realized that prue haven't been sleeping in dakota's bed. I couldn't believe how did I completely isolated myself from this family. I barely spoken to any of my siblings for months not only that, I haven't even seen them much even tho we live in same house.

But it wasn't like any of them cared, that thought pissed me off. I mean yes I do get the fact we loss a sister but she was my twin! My twin sister!!

We were made together for god's sake.

I ignored that thought because I really didn't wanna ruin my perfect day. I wore my brown jacket since it was really cold and my warm pants and matched it with combat boots. I let my hair down then wore my winter hat on, which was cute.

It was almost December so snow was expected soon.

I didn't want a ride with Shyann and Jay. I wasn't pissed at Jay but I was very angry at Shyann.

so I texted Jay that I didn't need a ride and soon after than I called Joey.

"Hello Gorgeous" Joey sounded fresh like he was already awake.

"Hey! I wondering if you would give me a ride?" I asked ignoring the fact he called me gorgeous because I was busy blushing.

"Yeah sure"

"Great! I'll be downstairs" I said quickly hanging up.

I rushed downstairs and noticed the Christmas tree was up.

They put up the Christmas tree...without me.

I mean I love putting it up even tho it's not even first December but it always gets me the holiday spirt.

They haven't even bothered to ask to do it, just kept it up.

I had tears in my eyes, why aren't thy making an effort to reach out for me? What did I do to them? Was just a reminder of dakota?

I quickly stormed out and whipped my tears. I didn't want Joey seeing me cry, I hated crying anyway.

As u walked outside the door I was Joey leaning on his bike with his black leather jacket and cute Beanie. He's cheeks we're bright pink. Overall, he just looked really cute.

"Good morning, love" he said kissing my lips. Oh, how I loved that feeling.


He headed my the hamlet and said he's trade mark phrase "Hold on tight"


We reached school, it was already crowded as we arrived.

For some reason I felt uncomfortable, I mean I knew it had to do with the fight I had with Shyann.

I glanced at Joey and I found him studying me.


"Avery, are you okay?" he asked sensing something was wrong.

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