Valuing Life

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Reflecting on my GP placement has really put life into perspective too.

These people are sick and some are really sick, I am grateful for my health and for my family's and friends.

What I witnessed should be taken seriously, health is so important we shouldn't take it for granted. While we have it we should make it worthwhile.

Why do people say a life is so valuable?

They hold so much to a life but it is up to us to give it the value and title it deserves.

- fulfilling our rights

Life moves so fast you feel as though you have to keep up, but sometimes you should just stop and smell the roses.

- appreciation for life and everything around you

From experience, in terms of death and valuing life, I have realised, it is not great to plan too far ahead. I know what I want to do but I am keeping an open mind to time because life can happen. I don't know what my future holds. Simultaneously, I don't want to know anymore.

The future is 'the unknown' which is why it can be the scariest and the most exciting part. Although, the only constant notion about the future is its inconsistency.

However, it can only change by the decisions and choices we make now, which is why it is vital to prioritise which future you want to focus on. Life hardly ever goes to plan so why don't we try to live the life we want now while we can make that change.

Be at peace with yourself. Trust yourself. If it makes you happy, do it or keep doing it, if it makes you stressed, do not avoid the problem, face it head on for your future but consider the stress load you're taking on.

What is worth it?

That's what you get to decide. How much are you going to let this incident affect you and if so, where is the limit to when you say "enough!" so you can enjoy what's right in front of you.

- death and valuing life 

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