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noun ~ a person or organisation that cooperates with or helps another 


I had spent the rest of the day and most of the evening talking to Pollux. It was a good distraction from going out and destroying things, it helped me plan better and work out where these scentless kidnappers may be. He was still annoyingly cocky, but his similar features to my mate softened my anger.

Things had started to get interesting, but I forced us to retire to bed. I haven't slept since she has been gone and if I was going to get anything done, I needed to rest even though my instincts were telling me to run. Ares was practically chomping at the bit to be free, but it would be reckless, and I was smarter than that.

I had to find her.

I had eventually fallen asleep at my desk and woke up still in my office, my face pressed against the wood. I grumbled in pain, my back cracking when I sat up. My hazy mind looked around to comprehend its surroundings. The clock on my wall read nine in the morning. I wasn't surprised considering I was up until 4 o'clock pacing my office.

I made my way towards the patio doors in my office and opened the curtains. The harsh sunlight had me squint but I opened one door to allow some fresh air in. I could do with a run, to release some tension. But it could wait; I needed to call in support. I needed to make a plan.

Charlie. Be in my office in ten minutes. I sent across the mind link.

'No 'please'?' Charlie teased.

I growled but he just laughed.

I stayed where I was, admiring the summer breeze. I could see the vegetable patch if I poked my head out of the door more. I often caught her out there through most of the afternoon and an ache started in my chest again when I saw how lifeless it looked without her. How she'd wipe her face when something tickled her nose but end up wiping mud onto herself instead. Then how she would rub the mud from her hand onto her jeans and curse about needing gloves.

She always amused me as I silently watched her. I sounded like a creep, I mean I was a creep, but I didn't want to flourish the bond with her when it could potentially harm her. Not until I knew how to help it, to make it safe for us. I could either hurt her feelings or immobilise her...

I needed more information, and it was killing me to have to watch from afar. It should be me wiping the dirt from her face and helping her stand up. I couldn't help but feel frustrated when I saw Alex helping her often, they would laugh and talk as they worked. The jealousy inside of me was eating me up, much like it did when she was with Sean.

They had a great relationship, and I couldn't be happier she had a friend like that. But he took his befriending her too far; he was meant to be a guard. He was too close, too touchy for my liking. And despite the argument, we had the other day, I couldn't stop her from embracing her friend. I could just tell by how he looked at her, that he was loving my mate too intimately for a friend.

He was unmated, and the relationship between Nova and I was strained. Every moment they were together I was wondering what they were doing. I wanted to interrupt, to storm towards them and take her away. But I couldn't. I couldn't let people know she was my mate until she was strong enough. It would end badly. So many things would happen that I'm not sure if her kind heart could take it.

A knock on my door snapped me out of the daze and I turned as my Beta and even my Gamma walked inside. Charlie sat down in a chair, crossing his leg so his foot rested on his knee. Sean sank into the sofa along the far wall, stretching his legs out with a groan.

Lost LunaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang