Twenty Five: Treaty

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, you do." He smiles. "It's your eyes, they're the same. You, Seth, and Leah all have the same cheekbones too."

"C'mon, let's go eat." I say as I get up and start walking towards the house.

"Ugh. You're so slow." Jake says, from behind me. "It'll be much faster if I just-"

"JACOB! PUT ME DOWN! YOU'RE TOO TALL!" I yell as I hit his back as he runs, full speed, up the hill with my stomach bouncing up and down on his shoulder. "I'M GONNA THROW UP! JAKE!"

"Fine, we're here anyways." Jake says as he puts me back on the ground.

"You're too big for that now!" I laugh as I playfully shove him and realize the tone in the room now that Leah has returned. She looked like she was growing in muscle and height just as much as the boys. She must've been 6'2 or 6'3, and her arms and legs are huge. Her muscle made her chest look smaller and she wasn't wearing a bra, which I respected. Still, none of the muscle took away from her beauty. I wish I was that built. I looked around for Embry since she was back. "Where's-"

"He said he wanted to be alone right now." Leah explains. I nod my head and walk to the kitchen with Jake to make a plate. Jake's plate was massive and I now realize why Emily cooks so much for the boys. There's almost nothing left when Jake is done making his plate and I glare at him.

"Well, Em isn't getting any breakfast!" He defends.

"No wonder you're bigger every time I see you." I laugh as we head to the table.

"And that's why you're so tiny." Jake says, pointing at my plate as we sit down.

"I am not tiny! I'm 5'-"

"Tiny." Jake interrupts.

"5'10 is tall for a normal person." I correct. "And I could still beat your ass if I wanted to."

"She probably could." Paul laughs from beside me as he takes a bite.

"Thank you." I say.

"Whatever, you couldn't even beat me in 21 before I started growing." Jake brags.

"Yeah, and you probably still can't guard without fouling." I say and the rest of the table starts laughing.


"Every time!"

"Say something else." I threaten Jake and he just smiles.

"Listen up!" Sam says and stands up. "Leah, get in here!" Leah grabs her plate and takes a seat next to Seth and Ateara. "We have to update the treaty. After what happened today, we're expanding our borders to Forks. We're not taking any chances with the Quileutes that live in that area. Which means we'll have to meet with the Cullens." Paul let's out a low growl and Jake huffs. "I personally, think it would be a good idea if Cailyn came with us."

"No." Paul growls and sits up straighter, his face turning into a scowl. Paul already had a resting bitch face, so he looked absolutely fierce when he furrowed his brows and flared his nostrils.

"Let me finish, Paul." Sam snaps in his low alpha voice. "Cailyn lives in town, she's Bella's sister, she's human and she needs protecting. They'll be more likely to listen to her than any of us."

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