I threw myself at the girls that cornered Amity back against the wall.

"The hell-" one of them exclaimed with gritted teeth when her side hit the wall.

Amity's eyebrows were furrowed with determination but there was also some fear in her eyes. I pulled her out as fast as I could before a hand wrenched my shoulder. I yelped in pain.

"Amity, you need to get out! RUN!" A yelled at her. "GO AMITY!"

She was still standing there, eyes fixed on me, her green hair shining on one side from the street lamp light that seeped to the window.

"No! I'm not going to leave you!" She yelled as I dodged a punch and landed one on someone's neck. Why wouldn't she just leave?

"Amity-" I was cut off by the guy scooping me up, locking his arms around my chest, not allowing me to move my arms.

"Aww, you two really care about each other dont you?" Via said, an eyebrow raised as she eyes us up and down. The fight subsided, but I kept flinging my legs and banging my hand again his chin, but he squeezed my even tighter. I felt as if the bones in my body would be crushed at any moment. The places where I was hit were pulsing with pain and since I had stopped fighting, it only got worse.

Suddenly, the other boy trapped Amity too, the same way other held me. The witch let out a grunt and tried to move, only making the grip on her tighter too.
"No!" I yelped, my lungs burning , locking eyes with the redhead's fiery gaze. "Please..." I begged. Anything but her. "Don't hurt her, Via."

Via looked at us up and down, the silence deafening us. She glanced at the members of her group, seeing how deshelved they looked. We did a somewhat good job considering the fact that there were only two of us. Even Via's hair was a little out of place and there was a bruise on her arm.

"Fine, I'll have mercy on you." She concluded as I breathed out a painful breath in relief. "I guess we've had enough fun for tonight."

Just as I thought they'd leave us, she turned around and took a few steps towards amity, her shoes clicking. She better not dare touch her.
"So tell us, who is this friend of yours? Amity I heard you say?" She glanced back at me.
"Eww!" One of the girls said, "her ears!"
Amity glared at them as Via leaned in to see them.
"What the f-" she cursed and step back,
"...The hell did you come from?" Her face scrunched up in disgust but Amity kept her amber eyes right at hers as strands of hair fell down from her half ponytail.

She scoffed and gestured for them to back down and let go of us. My legs screamed to get to Amity the second they left but before I could even breathe properly, the boy shoved me against the wall with one powerful arm and I hit my head on the wall. The pain shot through my spine and the rest of my head as it made a sickening thump. A ringing bellowed in my head and the next moment I was on my knees, the footsteps of Via's group fading away.

Amity. I need Amity.

"Ammy," I could barely whisper and I felt her arms around my aching body as I fell forwards. Her hands made her way up to my face and she lifted it so that I could see her face.
"Luz! Oh Luz!" Her eyes were tearing up, which made my heart ache but I was content that she seemed better off than me. Her hair was half out now.
"Are you badly hurt, are you?" I asked and Amity immediately shook her head vigorously.
"No! What is wrong with you? I should be asking you that!" She frowned, her eyebrows furrowed, her ear twitching.
Leaning into the softness of her now cold hands, I drew in a breath. It was a little hard to breathe but it was a relief that the pain was starting to go away except for the back of my head that made the back of my brain feel as if it were melting into a hot, sticky mess.
"I think I'm fine, it's just that my chest hurts a bit and my head is throbbing. But don't worry about silly old me!" I tried to let out a chuckle but my stomach burned with pain, making my eyes shut tight. I opened them again quickly to face the concerned witch's gaze.
"Of course I'm worried about you Luz! Here, let me feel your head," she brought one of her hands and I noticed how the other one lay limp on her lap.
I sat myself up, my head still heavy as I backed away from Amity's hand.
"Amity, your h-"
"No, Luz, just let me see if it's bleeding." Her hand made her way up to my hair and she gently brushed her fingertips against the back of my head. She let out a sigh of relief. "Thank the Titan." She uttered.
I gave her a genuine smile, hoping that I could lighten the mood a bit. Everything else was just a little sore, but, hey, things could've gone a lot worse.
Amity attempted to return it, but I could tell that she was still concerned. So that she could direct her attention away from me, I gently held her hand that was behind my head and brought it back to her lap.
"Amity, your arm. There's a huge bruise on it..." I said, my voice quivering with seriousness. I wanted to hold her arm up to see exactly what caused it but a) I have barely any medical experience despite my mother being a nurse, and b) it'd only put her in pain.
"Whattt, pffff that's nothing!" She pulled down her rolled up sleeve and moved her shoulder back so that her arm was pulled further away from my view. She was acting like on the Grudgby field again.
"Of course it's something!" I said with frustration in my voice. "Show me."
I flinched at my own tone of voice and so did Amity. She simply stood up and turned her gaze away from mine.
"I'm sorry for snapping," i said more gently. Hesitantly, I got up to and slipped my fingers into the palm of her good hand. Thank goodness she took hold of mine and looked back at me, her cheeks brushed with light pink.

Taken to Another World (Lumity AU)Where stories live. Discover now