39 | The Impossible

Start from the beginning

I had absolutely no issue being there for my friend and I knew I wasn't pregnant, I couldn't be. I was fully on top of my birth control, especially after becoming so sexually active with Omar. I just felt nervous for her. So many changes in such little time.

When it was finally my turn in line I placed all my items up on the store counter and waited as the cashier rung me up.

"Find everything okay?," the cashier asked. She was popping gum in between her question which distracted me a bit.

"Um. Yes, thank you."

"Your total is 126.48."

I inserted my card into the machine and paid for my items.

When I exited the store I realized it was now raining much heavier. The rain resembled a sheet, that's how hard it had picked up. The winds caused signs to sway back and forth and the water from the rain had begun wetting everyone despite the use of umbrellas.

I quickly popped open my umbrella and made a run for it towards my car. I threw all the bags into the trunk and jumped in the driver's seat. Slowly I backed out of the parking lot and made my way to Ashley's place.

When I arrived to Ashley's apartment the rain had suddenly eased up a bit but not by much. I knew the worst was yet to come so I quickly ran to her door wanting to be in and out as fast as I could.

Boy I'm tryna meet ya mama on a Sunday
Then make a lotta love on a Monday
Never need no, no one else babe
'Cause I'll be
Switchin' the positions for you
Cookin' in the kitchen and I'm in the bedroom
I'm in the olympics, way I'm jumping through hoops

Ariana grande's song positions blasted throughout the speakers causing me to clearly hear it from Ashley's doorstep. I knocked loudly and suddenly the door swung open.

She stood there with baggy eyes and messy hair. This wasn't like Ashley at all, she had to be fabulous at all times. This was indeed a crisis.

"I'm here let's do this," I joked.

"I'm so scared, I'm so scared."

"Don't be you'll be fine honey. Either way it goes I promise," I soothed.

She pulled out a double box of pregnancy tests and handed me one.

"We meet back out here in exactly 10 minutes."


I ran to the guest bathroom and pulled the test out of its packaging. I inserted it into my urine stream and then placed the top back on it setting it down on the bathroom counter.

I set a 10-minute timer on my phone and pulled up my text thread with Omar.

Me : Baby do you want to go to the clinic today or wait until the storm passes?

Him : We can go Monday bae it's no prob. See your fine ass later. Wear something tight.

I giggled and exited out of the thread.

Ten minutes later my alarm went off scaring me. I had suddenly forgotten all about the test waiting for me on the counter. I wiped off, stood up and rolled my eyes as I made my way over to the test.

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