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name/noun ~ considered guides to the 'other side', tricksters, warriors, and prophets.

She continued to stare at me but gave me the smallest of nods at my words. I froze, uncertain whether she was good or bad. Something about her had my hairs stand on end but another part inside of me told me she was good.

"What are you doing out here?"

I was startled by her voice, her eyes narrowed, and her pupils dilated. Her dark appearance was the complete opposite of her angel-like tone. She sounded so sweet.

"I-I'm trying to get h-help."

She hummed and cast her eyes along my body. "You have no proper clothes. And you are bleeding rather badly. Your healing is on par with a human."

I grimaced, the wound in my torso and the ache in my jaw was obvious enough already to me without her need to point it out.

I grew agitated. "That's because you made a potion to stop my wolf."

She smirked at me. "Yes, I did, but you haven't taken it."

My eyes widened and I took a step backwards when she began to walk toward me. I staggered, my chest aching with every inhale. I stopped when I felt a humming behind me, and I looked to see a large shimmering wall.

A magic wall?

"Ah, you see the wall too... How interesting..."

"Please let me go. We don't deserve this."

She frowned slightly, a look of guilt flashing through her features. "That is true. Although I am happy to see you alive."

Her expression made her words sound like they had a double meaning and I found myself staring into her eyes again. The dark orbs met mine and I found my own glazing over, a sudden haze overcoming my senses.

When she spoke next, I was snapped out of it and fell to my knees, gasping.

"How is my mother?"

"What?" I winced in pain.

"She resides underneath your nose. I'm seeing a lot of silverware."

I shook my head and panted, the pain in my chest and the loss of blood was making me feel weak. I tried to remember who she was talking about, but my faint mind couldn't comprehend any memory. I think I was brewing a concussion.

"I'm glad she's okay. When you see her again, Luna, please tell her I'm sorry and I will see her one day." She sighed.

I winced when her hand came out to touch my shoulder. I hissed in pain as she helped me stand and wobbled on my feet.

"I-I don't..."

She smiled sadly. "We all have secrets, Nova. I can help you, as a repayment of the past. I have done many bad things and there are a few I do regret the most. I hope in helping you I can pay off some of my debt."

She was speaking as though we knew each other but I have never seen her before in my life. She chuckled when I stared at her confused but stroked my jaw gently.

"I'm sorry they hurt you, Luna." She sighed. "I will allow you through the border and you shall be safe. But I have to go, or I will be in trouble. The border is a secure spell, no one can enter or exit without me."

"You will?" I breathed.

Her hands suddenly cupped my head and I winced as shooting fire scorched my skull. I tried to pull my head away, but she had me stuck between her hands. I screeched in pain as my head pounded but as soon as she let go, it stopped.

Lost LunaWhere stories live. Discover now