Min Yoongi Winners

115 11 17

We are here today to announce  the winners  of our Suga!!!🎊🎊

We were really caught up in other works that took us long to announce  the winners! So here  we go ...💃💃

                                                                     3rd Place winner

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                                                                     3rd Place winner

                                                            Him And I -  JerzaNalu1441

                                                        Judged by -  queenvioletsmile

                                                                      Round 1 - 55/60

                                                                      Round 2 - 69/80

                                                                     Round 3 - 89/100

                                                                     Total - 213/240

Review - Complete with author name and good choice of picture for cover. Good character development. But i think author should improve it. simple and easy to understand. Connect with each chapter. Good but author should work hard on grammar in the future.

                                                              2nd place winner

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                                                              2nd place winner

                                                   Blood Desire - _Alexa_Stars_

                                                 Judged by -  ForeverArmyFiction

                                                                    Round 1 - 55/60

                                                                   Round 2 - 77/80

                                                                   Round 3 - 95/100

                                                                    Total - 227/240

Review - The description is nice which can catch attention .. The story I have read as far is interesting and have a nice beginning .. The middle is kept interesting which will not make people loose their interest in this book .. 5 marks are cut in the following things -characterization , writing style , originality and grammar

  5 marks are cut in the following things -characterization , writing style , originality and  grammar

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                                                                              1st Place Winners

                                   So once again we have two first place winners guys!!!!!

                                                      The Empress of Disgace - Gumnaam_Ladki

                                                           Judged by - ForeverArmyFiction

                                                                       Round 1 - 59/60

                                                                      Round 2 - 78/80

                                                                      Round 3 - 98/100

                                                                        Total - 235/240

Review -The story is very interesting and the grammar and vocabulary used is nice .. The cover catches a lot of attention .. Description is kept interesting .. The story line really matches with the theme of this book. It's really a flawless and fantastic book. 

                                                             Seesaw - strawberry1d

                                                            Judged by - dqddygguk

                                                                    Round 1 - 57/60

                                                                   Round 2 - 80/80

                                                                   Round 3 - 98/100

                                                                    Total - 235/240

Review - I loved the cover of the book. It really fascinated me. I wish the title wasn't so lengthy. The author could put in the blur it's part of a a series and not in the title. Same for the blur. The author downs tend to list every book in the series in the blur. I loved the chapter where it gave a description of the characters and all the information I needed to know! It was flawless and beautiful! Loved the way it was written! It was great all around. The author gave great setting and user good logic. It definitely had a strong structure and made sense throughout. I liked how it kept moving. The book is really great! I have seen so many books named Seesaw :((. I think it should have a more unique name for it because then it would make the author's originality shine more. The grammar and vocabulary was fabulous! I can tell the author took time to make sure everything was right before posting each chapter!

Congratulations  to all the winners. Stay tuned to receive  your prizes  and we appreciate the efforts  of all Judges. The winners are requested to pm mayuraa_15_ for the prizes and banner.

Bye byee guysss we love you for giving us soo much love and rest category winners will soon be announced..!!💕

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