Judging customs ⚤︎

306 30 5

The judges will be asked to mark the book they are assigned with the following criteria.

The judges will be asked to mark the book they are assigned with the following criteria

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

Round 1 ( 60 points)

5 chapters

For all books and short stories💥

#Book cover/book title/ Blurb (10/10)) -
Is the book cover an eye catcher? Is the title relevant to the book? does the blurb catch your attention?


#characterisation (5/5) -
Are the characters vivid and compelling?


#Writing style( 10/10) -
Are the sentences smooth and expressive with logic and effectiveness?


# Plot structure (15/15) -
Does the story has a proper beginning,middle and a fulfilling end?

# Originality ( 10/10) -
It should have a freshness of individuality, creativity and imaginations.


# Grammar /Good vocabulary (10/10)-
Is the book spellbinding and has an extensive use of good vocabulary?


Round 2 ( 80 points)

10 chapters

#Book cover/ title/blurb -(15/15)

#character development- ( 10/10)

#Writing quality - (10/10)

# Plot progression - ( 20/20)

# Originality - (10/10)

# Grammar/Good vocabulary - ( 15/15) 

# Is the book you are reading worthy  enough  to go to next round  - yes/ no


Round 3 (100 points)

Full Book

# Book cover/title/blurb - (15/15)

# Characterisation- (15/15)

#writing quality - ( 15/15)

# Ploy structure- ( 25/25)

# originality - (15/15)

# Grammar/Good vocabulary- (15/15)

This is the criteria you will be judging the books on.

Any questions to be asked here---

THE MINTY BUTTER AWARDS 2021 ||BTSKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat