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 After waiting for almost 2 weeks we've decided to end the TAGFEST. We are really dissapointed to see  so few members to particpate .
Here we will be announcing official list of TAGFEST participants!! As said before participants will personally be judged by we hosts!! 

The winners of TAGFEST will be announced at the end along with  other winnerrs of this Award Book! 

PARTICIPANTS     ( Category- Book title/ Cover  page)                                 

1)  @_Dinae_    - His  chrisanthemum   

2)  @Januisme       -  The cold boy                              

3)  @nahthumin_97       -  The deadly walkers             

4) @suhmaHedge289  - Don't call me cute!             

5) @Justin_Seagull_31  - The truth   untold             

6) @AMELIE1318     - DNA   ( Book title)                                      

25+ TAGLIST     







THE MINTY BUTTER AWARDS 2021 ||BTSTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang