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Annabeth's POV: 

I applied thick layers of eyeliner around my eyes. Done. It looked a bit weird with my grey eyes but matched with my 'don't mess with me' look. I put on my sneakers and ran a brush through my hair. I was ready for school. Now it was time to go to that hellhole. 

I ran down the stairs to see Bobby and Matthew. 

"Hey! How are you two little monsters?" I dropped down to my knees and gave them both a high-five. 

"Hey Annie!" Matthew high-fived me back. Only they both were allowed to call me that. (Don't you dare)

"You guys ready for school?" 

"Yup!" Bobby popped the p. I sat at the table and my dad passed me a waffle. 

"Yum. I thought Saturday was waffle day?" I dug in. 

"Yes pumpkin. I've got to travel on Saturday. And I was craving waffles, so why not?" My dad grinned at me. 

"You're travelling again?" I sighed.

"I've got work pumpkin." My dad smiled. 

"Dad! I'm not a pumpkin anymore!" I smiled back. 

"You'll always be my little pumpkin." My dad put another waffle on my plate and added some whip cream. He accidently got some whip cream on his fingers and wiped it on my cheek. Dad grinned at me playfully. Matthew and Bobby burst out laughing. 

"DAD!" I finished my waffle and hurried to the bathroom to wipe my cheek. I removed it and returned to the table to see.... Helen. Ugh.

"What are you doing here?! You'll get late for school! Hurry up!" She shrieked in her shrill voice. 

"Whatever." I resisted the urge to add bitch. You might all be thinking why I behaved this way with her. Well, she was my stepmother and hated my guts. I did too. 

"Bye dad!" I called behind me, gave Bobby and Matthew a high-five and walked away. 

I grabbed my Yankees cap from the coat stand and put it on my head, backwards as usual. I took my board, put it on the ground and skated away. The wind roared in my ears and I felt at ease. I suddenly stopped, remembering my Physics notebook on the table. I rolled my eyes and turned around to go home again. I increased my speed, rushed home and opened the door. 

"What are you doing back?" Helen hissed at me. 

"None of your business!" I snarled back. 

"That is no way to talk to your elders!" Helen shrieked. 

"Yeah, yeah." I flicked my hand her way and waved it like 'leave me alone.' Despite how dumb Helen was, she atleast got the message and stomped away. I grabbed my Physics notebook and rushed back outside. 

I zig-zagged on the streets for fun. I put the notebook in my bag and skated faster. I loved my board. It was black with neon sketches that looked like graffiti. My mom had gifted it to me for my 10th birthday, the last gift she ever gave me. I treasured it deeply. My mom had taught me to skate, I still smiled at that memory. A tear threatened to burst from my eyes. I brushed it away, careful to not ruin my eyeliner. 

I skated faster. And then I saw it, the hellhole known as school. Sighing I decreased my speed and stopped outside the school. I put my board under my arm, put the other in my hand and grabbed a gum. I put it in my mouth and started chewing it. I also grabbed my earphones and put them in my ears. The music started playing and I decided I was finally ready. 

I went to my locker and carefully put my board in. I was just turning around when I bumped into someone. My best friend, Piper McLean.

"Hey Piper!" I smiled at her. 

"Hi Chase." Piper smiled back. 

"I wanna tell you something, Pipes. Yesterday I was going home and...." I stopped, noticing that Piper's attention was not focused on me. Jason Grace was standing two lockers away from mine, and Piper was staring at him blushing. He was looking at us, grinning. 

"Hey Pipes!" Jason waved and leaned against the locker but missed. He blushed and straightened himself. "You have any plans this afternoon?" Jason asked casually. 

"Hi." Piper said breathlessly. "No, not really. You?" Piper said, trying to sound casual. But I knew her too well. 

"Nope. Wanna join me for ice-cream?" Jason looked flustered. 

"Yeah. Sure. See you at four?" Piper smiled shyly. 

"Yeah, okay. Bye." Jason waved at Piper as she walked away. He was still leaning against the locker. Jason sighed dreamily. I looked behind me and saw that Piper was gone inside the class. I walked over to Jason and pressed him against the locker. 

I pressed my forearm on his throat, "Listen here Grace. I know you like Piper, and if you hurt her, that would be the last day you'll see. Have a good day." I stepped back and glared at him. He looked pretty scared. 

"I won't ever hurt Piper. Please don't kill me." Jason said afraid. 

I grinned at him, "We'll see." I grabbed my books from the locker and walked away, laughing. 


I laughed a lot while writing this. Especially Annabeth threatening Jason. I know this wasn't really Percabeth but whatever. 

Don't forget to vote and comment! 

See you in the next! ;)

Words: 899

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