𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖊𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙

Bắt đầu từ đầu

She walked and walked and when she was surrounded by trees she remembered how useless she actually was. She had no powers, she maybe had them but couldn't even use them. She needed to hold the Darkling's pathetic hand before she could summon some light. But she kept going, she had used her power the first time for protection, maybe this was just what she needed.


She had walked for an hour. She was returning to the others, hoping they hadn't left without her.

She was close to the camp, they would depart soon. However, luck didn't meet her this time. While walking she fastly hid behind a tree after she saw a Drüskelle standing in front of her. He hadn't seen her, she hoped. There would be no way she would be able to leave, not as long he stood there. She had to do something. But there was only one way.

It was risky, knowing that Astra hasn't used her powers in months. But she had to do it, she had to use the cut. Bagra had explained the basics, Astra was just never able to try it. She took a deep breath and looked at the Drüskelle, he stood with his back to her so it was to her advantage.

She spread her arms and called it, she visualized the light forming a blade before her, she felt it. And to her surprise it came, she felt the blade form and when it was in between her hands she shot it towards the Drüskelle. She hadn't believed her eyes, it had actually worked, she didn't need the Darkling because she had done it. The Drüskelle laid on the ground, in two pieces and Astra tried not to look at him. She would tell herself it was for the best, that he probably murdered those Grisha, and so she would forgive herself for this murder.

Astra saw the carriage again, she ran towards the camp until something made her trip. She was caught so her fall wouldn't make too much noise. A hand was on her mouth and a sussing sound was made to calm down. Astra looked up and saw Clive holding her.

She gave a nod making it clear she understood to be silent. He let her go and they sat behind a bush. Lilith and Squaller were there too. Astra saw the dried tears on their faces and the still shocked expressions. "What happened?" Astra whispered.

She was convinced they first wouldn't respond but Lilith finally answered. "We were attacked, the Drüskelle weren't gone at all. They took everyone captive and are remaking the stakes." Astra had never heard Lilith panic this hard, she had never heard anyone panic this hard.

Astra asked what happened to the Darkling, he couldn't be captive, could he?

"They took him first, it was horrible, they shot him first in his hand and then attacked. His hands are tied up, he can't touch them. We are doomed!"

Astra looked behind her, through the bush, and saw it. They were making the Pyre, the Darkling was caught and his hand was bleeding, the darkest red came out of it. She saw the other Grisha, some had blood on them others were bleeding themselves. They were shaking, scared, and smart enough to know they would get burned.

Astra looked at the people around her, this was her time, she would receive and earn their trust because Astra had a plan. And a damn good one if you asked her.

"I have a plan, but you have to trust me." Lilith, Clive, and the Squaller raised their brows. "It's useless Astra, we're as good as dead." Astra didn't believe that, and if so, she much rather died because her plan failed than because she was too scared to do something. "You want to die a coward? I think we actually have a shot. Please, just trust me."

It stayed silent again, but they gave in anyway. They knew dying by doing nothing was useless, and they actually had hope in Astra.

"So what's the plan?"

The First Sun Summoner | The Darkling *on hold*Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ