Chapter 13

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5 Years Later

Years had passed and the prophesied threat was just around the corner, it was no coincidence that the remaining Avengers had reassembled to try their hand in time travel. 
Definitely with some . . . interesting results. But eventually they could navigate and enact their plan.

Infinity stones had been gathered, taken to the present timeline and used to bring back half the universe. It had been a difficult task with the death of another teammate, Natasha Romanoff but it was a worthy sacrifice.
It seemed the snap all those years ago had been reversed and those killed revived.

But then the one and only, Thanos, had to ruin it for everybody. 
The doorway through time was ripped open again but this time allowing a large space ship and an army to pass through. Thanos's goals had changed, the entire death of the universe was in order, beginning with Earth.

The world destroying threat had apparently arrived.


Two armies. Face to face, weapons loaded and aimed. Horrific monsters stared down slightly strange humans with abnormal powers. The two sides were preparing to fight to death, the fate of the universe once again hanging in the balance.

"Avengers . . . Assemble!"


You awoke nearing the end of your world travels, an attempt to learn everything about the planet you inhabited and apparently was part of. You looked around the modern and stylish  hotel room, sensing something had changed in the universe.

The snap had been reversed.

You stood up and knew the time had arrived, your battle was just a few minutes away. Throwing open a window you activated a new power learned a few years back, flight. The air solidified beneath bare feet and lifted skyward, moving at a breakneck speed towards the USA, more specifically the Avenger's Compound.

It only took a few minutes to cross the Atlantic, only stopping when the burned battlefield and remnants of the compound came into view. The forces gathered stretching into the horizon, covering the ground with unimaginable creatures.

An almost silent "Avengers . . . Assemble" could be heard from where your figure floated above the armies. Both sides started to swarm towards each other but before either could touch you fell, dropping silently towards the earth.


You struck the ground right in the middle of the opposing forces, driving a large crack through the ground with your impact alone. With your inconceivable and unbelievable powers you could have torn the earth in two with a single thought within seconds.

You turned to face the monstrous army of the Mad Titan, Thanos. Whispers shattered the silence you had brought with your entrance:

"Who is that?"

"Y/N is here!"


"Did they just fall from the sky?"

"Casually drops into a battlefield."

"Did you see the ground? It actually cracked?"

"Let's hope we don't have to fight this Y/N."

Before the wind dragged anymore whispered statements to your ears, you spoke. You didn't shout, the air carried the sound waves directly to each ear in each army. Your gaze settled on the purple titan.

"You dare come here and threaten me! I am the Defender. You dare come here to destroy Earth! I am the Sentinel. You dare to even think of killing an entire universe! I am the Protector. And you? You are nothing."

And with that you attacked.

A wave of your right hand wiped out dozens of creatures, all the water leaving their bodies. Only shrivelled husks remained where once deadly enemies were standing.
A flick of your left hand superheated the internal heat of dozens more creatures, causing rapid organ failure, bodies dropping to the dirt before bursting into flames, only ashes remaining.

All of this takes seconds.

Both sides overcame their shock and decided to participate in the fight. The Avengers and allies were largely ignored, the majority of Thanos's forces heading directly to Y/N, the greater threat. 
A glare and the dirt under hundreds of enemies became liquid, quicksand that quickly swallowed battalions of troops. Large holes opened up in the enemies offence and defence, allowing your allies to enter their weak spots and cause more damage. 
Your allies only have limited flying capabilities compared to Thanos and his army so you directed your attacks skyward. Air around alien ships hardened, causing metal to crumple. Aliens who fly were trapped within mini pockets of air and thrown to the ground, crushing their own comrades.

A few large creatures hurriedly stagger your way, aiming to gang up and defeat you with ease.
They didn't even know what they were facing.

A large clearing had been blasted back by yourself and your enemies alike, leaving four towering giants and The Sentinels small figure, barely being seen by the giants. You dragged more and more energy into your body, skin becoming translucent as a warm yellow glow emitted from within. You started to lift into the air, not evening trying but the energy repelling you from the ground. You collected the energy into your hands before pushing flowing palms towards the giants, an impression of Ironman's repulsors. Twin continuous beams poured forth, the yellow light beam striking two giants in their heads. Only a few seconds later before the behemoths dropped to the ground.


Y/N spun around in the air and struck the other tall enemies without a second thought. Nothing threatens the Earth.
Two more bodies hit the ground hard.
The battlefield had fallen silent, staring at the figure who just decimated four powerful enemies with barely a blink of an eye.

Tony shouted out into the silent crowd, "Thankfully we don't have to fight that!"
You turned to Stark and nodded, accepting his comment. However something else caught your attention before anything could occur. The purple titan, Thanos had begun walking through his allies to Y/N, cutting through the army with ease. Monsters parting before him.

You lowered to touch the ground with bare feet and glowing skin, waiting for the Mad Titan to reach you and the main battle to commence.

Only a few seconds later and he threw a gauntleted punch towards your face only to be caught, titan strength being overwhelmed. Your fist tightened on Thanos's arm and snapped it in half, screams followed. The titan tried to stumble backwards but your grip was unmatched. Your right hand swung towards his chest, smashing through armour and bone before clasping a heart. A squeeze and that heart popped.

His dead body was dropped and a cold glare was leveled at the now leaderless army. The greatest threat ever formed was powerless against Midgards Savior.

Shocked faces stared at Y/N, still glowing softly in the hazed air.

Nothing would be threatening Earth for a long time.

AN: And that is all. Thanks you for reading, hope you enjoyed the book.

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