It was Toni.

Neither of the girls was quite sure how much time had passed, but as far as they were concerned, time didn't exist. Despite the cliché of it all, both individuals were fairly certain that they could blink and somehow they'd end up somewhere else entirely.
That cliché feeling did not remain though, and the moment broke as quickly as it began. A wave of eeriness filled the spaces around the pair and they both consciously tried to ignore the obvious. This wouldn't be real if they didn't allow it to be. They were both certain of it.
With Cheryl standing on the side of the door that Toni was trying to reach, Toni took it upon herself to push past Cheryl into the washroom. It seemed as though getting too close for too long could cause some form of natural disaster that neither girl was ready for. They were like two tectonic plates just itching to create chaos and because of this, Toni was quick to disconnect from the shoulder that met hers in passing.

As the air began getting thicker, Toni found that the redhead was still standing inside of the bathroom, thus preventing her from closing the door and going about her business. Understanding this, Toni decided that the only thing to be done was to ask the other girl to exit.

"I thought you didn't come to these things anymore." The words spilled from Cheryl's lips without her compliance. Although she'd tried to remain tight-lipped, it seemed that the presence of the one who stood no more than a foot from her dragged the very words right from her throat.

Toni was just as surprised by the sudden line of speech. She hadn't planned on communication like this. She hadn't planned on communication at all, but it seemed like a lot of unplanned occurrences kept popping up.

"Kind of difficult to say no when you're invited." The bite escaped through Toni's words more than she thought it would. Something about talking to this person about matters that already angered her enough caused an even more enraged side of her to be expressed.

Cheryl nodded without another word and Toni began to muster up the courage to ask her to leave once more.

"I'm glad that you were invited you." Toni was silenced again. Anger rippled through her like a stone thrown into water. What upset her more was that Cheryl was now attempting to walk out after all of that.

"You don't get to do that!" Toni screamed, breaking her calm demeanor from before as she gripped onto Cheryl's wrist and dragged her away from reaching the exit. Cheryl was now standing just in front of the door frame, and she was sure that attempting to move would lead to her being dragged back.

"Do what? All I said was -," Cheryl was cut off before being able to speak as Toni stole the opportunity to talk right from under her.

"You don't get to say nice things about anything in regards to me! You don't get to pretend like you somehow care about anything that happens to me anymore! You don't get to do that!" Toni was getting louder and louder with ever statement. Each one was accented with a finger wave in Cheryl's direction to exaggerate what Toni was trying to say. Cheryl needed no exaggeration.

Cheryl's face had changed from the one she held before. The look she now possessed was one of shear indifference. It annoyed Toni to no end.

"I wasn't trying to upset you." The voice that exited Cheryl wasn't one she was readily familiar with and despite her current exterior of apathy, the voice matched an entirely different emotion. Toni almost faltered, but allowed the anger she felt to surface quickly before she could completely break. She wouldn't allow this girl to get the best of her.

"You weren't trying to upset me? That has to be the richest thing I've ever heard you say! So when did you decide that you weren't trying to upset me exactly? Was it when you allowed the entire school to turn against me or was it when you stopped messaging me too and left me to my own devices for 2 years? Please, enlighten me on this sudden change of heart you had!"

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