ch.10 " eggs and ham with fried rice"

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" Yo, Juno... Ya need a ride?"

" Ah, Kishibe. That would be helpful. Thank you."

Kishibe motioned with his hand for Juno to enter. Juno opened the backseat door and sat Himeno first and moved her bit to give him space to sit. He sat Himeno up before closing the door. Kishibe got a fancy wine bag and passed it to Juno.

" Here's a little gift. It's your favorite brand." Kishibe said as Juno took the wine out of its bag and read the label. Marchesi Antinori. Juno's favorite wine brand.

" Awww~ Thank you...What's the occasion?" Juno asked with a smile.

" Just a little treat..." Kishibe said as he pulled out a flask." Also. The fragment please" Kishibe said as he held his hand out.

" Oh, yes, of course," Juno said as he pulled out a small zip-lock bag and gave it to Kishibe.

" Thanks...So. How was Kanagawa? Managed to find any fragments?" Kishibe said as he drove.

" The pests were dealt with, But there weren't any fragments. "

Kishibe hummed. Juno saw a glint in Kishibe's hand.

" Good job," Kishibe said as Juno caught a small knife with his hands.

" damn it, old man. Himeno is still here." Juno said, irritated. The car shook as it got over a speed bump which made Himeno lay her head on Juno's shoulder.

" Sorry, hehe," Kishibe chuckled as he looked at Himeno and Juno, through the rear-view mirror.

"...I still remember when you were still a small runt. Now you're a grown man. I feel proud as your owner." Kishibe said with a small smile.

It was pretty uncharacteristic for the stone-cold Kishibe to smile, But when Juno was around, He looked more like a normal father. Their not necessarily bad, but they do their best, type of father. He did felt a little concerned with having Juno be a Devil hunter. Since he kinda took care of him for about 5 to 6 years or so, so he felt a bit attached to the boy. He did plan to keep the boy hidden from the outside world to raise him, but he knew that was only wishful thinking. So instead. He trained him to be a badass cold-hearted devil killer so that he will survive the job as a Devil hunter. Kishibe might not say it, but Juno felt like a son to him.

" And you never changed, Old man," Juno said with a smile.

Kishibe only smiled as he continued to drive.

The ride was silent. Quiet. It wasn't awkward quiet, it was a peaceful type of quiet. Kishibe knew that today was a busy day for him and Juno, so he let him rest in the back with Himeno. The only reason Kishibe came was that he wanted to check on Juno. Make sure he's alright.

Juno held his head as he had a sudden headache.

But it wasn't a normal headache. Images flashed in his head. The images were too blurred to clearly see. He also heard whispers. It was too incoherent to make out what the words or images were, clearly. But. He was able to make out two words.

"-SavE "

"-tHem", was the only thing he could make out clearly before the images and voices went away.

"You okay there?" Kishibe asked as he looked at Juno through the rearview mirror.

" Yeah..Probably just the alcohol," Juno thought.

He tried to convince himself that this was just the alcohol. But he knew that it wasn't.

" Alright...Well," Kishibe said as he parked. the car in front of an apartment complex." We're here."

Devil in your heart: Deal with the Devil [Chainsaw man x OC fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now