Start from the beginning

"Ah and she admits it, the only thing 6 foot about you is your ego" he continues to laugh out.

"HEY... actually you right, you right!" I laugh out, he begins to wheezes out.

"For fuck sake I just checked my phone thinking you texted me something naughty but no your just laughing at me" I huff out a sigh.

"I would never dm you something back" he laughs.

"Want me to read out our dms, I have some screenshots. They call me detective Dream because I will catch you in 4K" I laugh, god I need to stop letting Amriel get drunk with us and then letting her get to pick the video to watch.

"I definitely have worst screenshots of things you have said, hmm I can also just say the ones I remember" he laughs.

"Don't! Actually do cause I'm not ashamed of my words!" I proudly announces giving him permission though I know he won't.

"Quote on quote, I'm gonna pound you into the floor so hard that your ass is gonna look like a deerskin rug when I'm done with it." He wheezes out, shit wait I said that like when we first met.. oh he remembered cute.

"And yes I do have a notepad on my phone that filled with weird shit that came out of your mouth" he continues to wheeze like there is no tomorrow.

"Okay so maybe I do say worst things then you but at least I'm not a piss baby" I laugh back, my chat is surprisingly not being as toxic as normal. Ever since I tweeted not dead and it trended, the whole internet has basically been less toxic towards me and don't get me wrong I do still have haters like a lot but surprisingly I haven't been trending or being talked about on drama channels for a whole two weeks for negative things. The whole Dream and me meeting was trending but nothing really too bad with it.

"You will always say weirder shit then me but your cute so you get away with it" he laughs a bit "plus-".

"I'm the perfect amount of pretty and crazy put together... I know, I know" I laugh a bit, he says it a lot now days but every time I can't help smile my arse off by it.

"Always" his voice was soft and sweet.

"Let's get divorced!" I announce.

"Another wedding?" He asks.

"Always" I smile back, fuck this man got me distracted from my game. My god Imma divorce him again just for that and then remarry him because he's cute.

"No chat we are in a healthy relationship of divorces and remarriages, it's a lot healthier then most of the relationships I've seen" I laugh a bit.

"At least you say you love me unlike a certain British boy" he pouts saying.

"Georgie has no taste" I state straight facts.

"Rest in peace his dignity" he laughs back.

"All the true Shrimps out here hate Georgie boy" I say loud and proud.

"Shrimps?" He questions.

"Well I can't say the four letter word of it so you add h and r" I laugh.

"Oh then I guess I'm a Fae Shrimp" he says with no hesitation.

"Well i might maybe be a tiny tiny shrimp for you" I smile,

"Maybe?" He asked with a sad tone, god this man is needy which is kinda cute, maybe I like it because no one has ever needed me but something about him being sad I don't simp for him makes my heart flutter.

"If you keep this up, I'll have to punish you" I state being a dick about it.

"Oh... and what punishment will it be?" He asked all smug like, I can't tell if I like bottom or Smug Dream more.

Unmasked (Dream x Oc)Where stories live. Discover now