The Plan

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Theo's POV:
I got to Kat's house and told her all about yesterday. She still started with her conspiracy on Liam liking me back but I knew that was too good to be true.

"He does not like me!" I said with and annoyed tone.

"You can choose not to believe it but he obviously does." She stated.

"Are you ever gonna let that idea go?" I asked.

"Nope!" She said with a proud smile.

"Ugh." I sighed.

"If you liked him for so long, why didn't you ever do anything about it?" She asked.

"Because! It would ruin everything." He said.

"How do you know?" She asked.

"Because, Liam loves Hayden. He always has. If there was any way to see if Liam liked me I would do it, but there's nothing we can do because he is always going to choose her." I lashed back.

"Actually.... I have a plan." She smirked.

"A... plan?" I asked.

"Yes.. so, you said your willing to do anything to figure out if Liam likes you?" She asked.

I raised an eyebrow.

"Sure?" I said.

"Okay, so let's see how he feels about you being with someone else." She said with an evil glint in her eyes.

"Go on.." I said.

"There's a party tonight. In the girls locker room, Hayden was talking about getting Liam to go with her to have a 'night to let loose' or something. What if, we go... but, together." She said.

"Together?" I asked.

"Yeah! Like nothing weird, but we try to make him jealous." She said.

"So your plan is to try and make him jealous?" I asked.

"Yeah! Simple three step plan." She said.

I smirked.

"Okay, talk me through em'." I said.

Show up looking like a couple. We walk in acting touchy and such.

We act this way in front of Liam and wait until he asks if we are a thing. We tell him yes and see his reaction.

We wait for a good song to come on and we make out. You keep your eye on the boy and see how he acts.

"Hopefully, by the end of the night you guys will either have fucked, kissed, or confessed your feelings for each other." She said with a shrug.

"Okay, I'm down." I said.

"Great! Operation, make Liam jealous, is a go!"

Him or me?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora