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Liam's POV:
That morning went great. Theo and I joked and laughed all through first period. It felt like we were the only two in the room.

Once the bell rang, Theo and I split ways and went to second. It was really boring for me but I was excited to see Theo in the hall. We got out of second and I made my way into the hall.

I walked through the crowd of people looking for Theo. When I saw him, I saw something that made my blood boil.

He was stood against a girls locker. Flirting with her?

They were laughing a whole lot and I swear I saw her blush.

I don't know why but I started to make my way towards them. Something about the way they were talking was making me go insane. Not in a good way.

I walked up to Theo and the girl.

"Oh, hey Li." Theo said with a small smile.

"Hey, I was looking for you." I said with a fake smile while eyeing the girl.

"Oh, Liam this is Katie, but she goes by Kat. Kat this is Liam." Theo said introducing us.

She held out her hand which I was hesitant to shake. I didn't like her, but I didn't know why.

I shook her hand.

"Hi." I said with a fake smile.

"Hi, nice to meet you!" She said with a sweet smile.

"Uhh, well I'll see you in forth, Kat." Theo said with a wave pulling me in the opposite direction with him.

"Forth?" I asked.

"Yeah, I met her today in second and we have forth together too. Isn't she awesome?" He said.

This only made me madder.

"Yeah!" I said with a fake laugh.

"She's really smart too." He smiled.

"So how did you two... ya know... meet." I asked.

"She's new. Today is her first day and she was sitting in my seat. I just asked her to move and we started talking from there. She's a really interesting person. And.... It's nice because she doesn't know anything about my past. She doesn't hate me and she just knows me for me." He explained.

"I know you for you." I said.

"I know, but you also know my past which probably makes you have a little less trust in me than Mason or Corey." He said.

"I still trust you. Just because you've done stuff before doesn't mean I don't trust you now." I said.

"Yeah, and I really appreciate you for that." He smiled.

"So... do you like her?" I asked. For some reason I really, really wanted him to say no.

"Oh, no. I like someone else. She's just a friend." He said.

He likes someone else?

"You like someone else?" I asked with a small smile.

His smile dropped as he looked over at me.

"Uhh no." He said.

His heart skipped.

"You just lied." I laughed.

"I mean, I might like someone but it's not that serious." He said with a nervous look.

His heart skipped.

"Theo, you can't lie to a werewolf." I said.

He just let out a nervous laugh while rubbing the back of his neck.

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