Come stay with me

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"What?" Liam said looking over at Theo who avoided his eye contact.

"I'm homeless.." Theo said ashamed.

"Homeless? For how long?" Liam asked frantically.

He was worried about his friend.

"Uhh.. since I came back from hell." Theo answered a little ashamed.

"WHAT!" Liam yelled.

"Shhh, Liam calm down." Theo said.

"How can I calm down when my best friend hasn't had a home for months?!?" Liam whisper yelled.

Theo's heart melted at the fact that he called him his best friend.

"I'm y-your best friend?" Theo asked.

"You know what I mean. How come you didn't say anything?" Liam asked.

"It never came up." Theo stated simply.

"Where have you been staying?" Liam asked.

"In my truck, it's an okay place to live but I hardly get any sleep from police officers and it's hard to get comfortable in there." Theo explained.

"Okay, so your homeless..." Liam thought out loud.

"Yeah..." Theo said.

"You can stay with me." Liam stated.

"What?" Theo asked.

"You can come stay with me." Liam said.

"I can't do that. I'm not gonna be a home wrecker, Li." Theo said.

"You won't be home wrecking, I'm inviting you. Besides, my parents are never home. It would be nice to have some company." Liam explained.

"Hmm, okay." Theo agreed.

Theo showed the emotion of defeat but inside he was dying at the fact he was going to be staying with Liam.

"We'll get you moved in today after school." Liam said.

Theo smiled, not only at the fact that he now had a home but because he just stopped his plans with Hayden.

"Okay, thank you." Theo said.

"Of course." Liam smiled.
Time skip to the end of the school day:
Theo and Liam were walking to Theo's truck when Liam was stopped by Hayden.

"Hey Liam, you still on for coffee?" She asked.

"Uhh, not today. I've got plans. Maybe another day?" Liam said feeing disappointed that he had to cancel on her but not defeated because he was helping Theo.

"Oh.. okay. No problem. Just don't be a stranger, okay?" She smiled, walking away.

"I won't!" Liam smiled back.

He can't help the feeling of desperation for her but he had to stay strong. For Theo.

Theo's blood started to boil at hearing Liam's heart rate speed up after their interaction.

"So, what's gonna happen between you and Hayden?" Theo asked.

"I'm not sure, I still like her. A lot. But I don't think I can get back with her right now. She hurt me, I don't want to go running back just for her to hurt me again." Liam explained.

Theo nodded in understanding. His heart shattered at the fact that he still loved her. But, he didn't expect any less.

The two boys reached the truck.

"Ya know, your really easy to talk to." Liam said once they were in the truck.

"Oh yeah?" Theo said.

"Yeah." Liam smiled.

"You know, I never thought there would be a day where you would compliment me. Or... let me move in with you." Theo said surprised.

"Yeah.. it's kind of crazy." Liam said with a smile. He likes how far they've come. He likes Theo.

Wait. What?

"Yeah... I don't deserve any of this." Theo said starting the ignition.

"Hey, we all have bad pasts. Yours just a little worse than others but, it doesn't mean it's who you are. You deserve everything you have. You deserve a home at least. Let me do this for you." Liam said.

"Okay." Theo said giving him a sad smile.

The car ride home was filled with comfortable silence. Liam kept thinking about how he might feel about Theo. He shook those thoughts to the back of his mind and turned on the radio.

Theo drove the two to Liam's house. It was empty as always but still very clean.

"Do you clean this place?" Theo asked.

"Yeah, there's not much else for me to do when I'm here by myself all the time." Liam explained.

"Huh." Theo smirked.

"What?" Liam asked.

"Just didn't take you as the cleaning type." Theo said.

"Neither did I, but I enjoy it actually." Liam said.

"I can tell." Theo smirked.

"Okay, let's go get you set up in the guest room." Liam said.


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