" Lying and Reuniting "Part 2

Start from the beginning

Paisely gulped. 

"Now if you come forward, we can knock expulsion out of the options of punishment," He gave them each a leveled gaze that Erika was not the slightest bit scared of. All she had to do was put on her American Sweetheart voice and she would be a free woman - or manipulate the hell out of him. Either way, this was going to be a repeat of her escape at Barneys.

So snidely, Erika leaned forward, meeting the Headmaster's eyes with a smug smile. "And if we don't?"

"I will be expelling both of you," He shot back and both girls gasped. "Paisely for indecent exposure and you for withholding information. "

"I have no idea what you're talking about, sir," Erika spoke in her shrill, sweet tone, ignoring Paisely who was staring at her in disapproval. Fourtanetly, Headmaster had never been able to witness her sugar sweet alter ego which amplified the effect on him. "Honestly, sir, I think its a tragedy what happened to poor Paisely here."

To add emphasis on this, she rested her hand on Paisely's thigh gently - and almost jolted back at the electricty she felt, the odd feeling she had got. It was similar to the kiss and she was apalled at how just one touch from Paisely and she could be so......entranced. She hadn't even felt that way losing her virginity.

Doing her best to ignore the feeling, Erika smiled at Paisely as if she were her bestest friend and the blonde girl returned her smile with a puzzled glance. "Paisely is my friend and I would never do something like that to her."

"Is this true, Paisely?" The Headmaster, obviously dazed by Erika's act, turned to Paisely. "Are you and Erika Felix friends?"

"Um, uh, well....." Paisely trailed off and Erika squeezed her hold on the girl's thigh, flashing her a candy sweet smile that had a slight touch of 'You're-going-to-wish-you-were-poor-if-you-cross-me' vibes.

The girl cringed under her gaze, turning helplessly back to the unknowing Headmaster, then back at Erika's fake, evil smile. "Um....."

Erika let go of her thigh, kicking the girl's exposed ankle with her anouk leather pump Jimmy Choo. Paisely yelped.

"Paisely, dear, is everything okay?" Erika asked kindly, smirking slightly.

She looked at her, a glare in her blue eyes, but otherwise a blank expression. Then she turned to the Headmaster with a sigh. "Yes, its true. We're friends. She would never do that to me."

'Way too easy,' Erika thought to herself proudly. 'Sometimes it feels like my life is a written book.'

"Well then, Erika, you're free to go," Headmaster Vanderbit said dismissively. "It looks like the only person responsible is Addie herself whom I have punished accordingly."

"What did you do to her?" Paisely asked timidly as Erika smoothed the hem of her black sleeveless knit casual Alexander McQueen dress and touseled her hair so that she was model-ready when she strutted out of that office.

"Addie Anderson has been expelled."

Paisely gasped, hands flying up to cover her mouth and Headmaster Vanderbit nodded sorrowfully. Erika wasn't surprised. The Andersons were tacky as hell and hardly had any relevancy. Therefore, the pink-haired stammering mess was expendable.

"Such a shame, sir," Erika mimicked the Headmaster's sadness although relieved that the girl had foolishly taken the fall for her.

All was well. She wasn't getting expelled, or suspended, and she was still the reigning queen of Alabaster Prep. All she needed to fix was Damon's position with their father and everything would be perfect - or so she thought.

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