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Once Adora heard Lonnie scoff and walk off, she pulled back. Catra didn't say anything, ignoring all the stares and cheers from other students. She grabbed her stuff and ran off.


Adora felt absolutely horrible. Why did she give into Lonnie's mind games? That was so stupid. Not only that, but she kissed someone she barely knew, making said person uncomfortable. She sat in her room, groaning into her pillow.

"YOU KISSED CATRA?!" she heard Glimmer scream. She rolled her eyes as she looked up to see Glimmer and Bow in her doorway. "I don't want to talk about it." she told them, covering her face with her sheets.

"Well you're going to have to talk about it." Glimmer demanded. "All the school's been talking about since gym is how you, Adora Grayskull nerd central, had a summer fling with Catra D'riluth, sexy badass track star."

"I am not nerd central."

"Yes you are." Bow agreed, sitting on Adora's bed. "So, what happened?"

"Well..." Adora started.


She spoke quickly. Unfortunately for her, Glimmer and Bow were fluent in rambling. "YOU DID WHAT?!" Bow and Glimmer questioned in unison, voice cracks and all.

"I know! It was stupid! And Catra is probably going to beat my ass tomorrow and tell everyone I'm a liar." Adora sighed. "I'm such an idiot."

"You are." Bow spoke honestly. "But I'm pretty good friends with Catra. And she didn't say anything. She's not one to expose people like that."

"Yeah, in regulars terms." Adora argued. "But these aren't regulars terms! I kissed her! Without her permission. Along with involuntarily spreading a false rumor about her. If I were her, I'd kill me!"

"You need to chill. It's going to be fine."

Adora huffed. Was it going to be fine?


The next day, Adora had been asked to meet with Catra in the library during lunch via note in locker. It was a cute note. Catra's handwriting was adorable. It made Adora's heart flutter more than it should've.

Adora was nervous. What was she going to get out of this? A girlfriend? Or a slap in the face?

She immediately found Catra in the pretty much empty library. She was eating her lunch while reading a book when she realized Adora's presence.

Catra was wearing double layered black shirts, one long sleeve with white stripe and the other was a short sleeve black with a design. With that, she wore black cargo pants with a bunch of pockets and a heart buckle belt that Adora thought was really cool. Her hair was down, a small clip keeping it from being all in her face.

Adora blushed as she sat across from her. Okay dumbass, time to apologize.

Before she could, Catra started talking.

"Listen, what you did was wrong. It was rude, and honestly goes with toxic masculinity rules in which if a girl doesn't say no the male is aloud to do whatever he pleases. Ask for forgiveness type shit." 

This made Adora sink into her seat more. She was a bit relieved when she saw Catra breathe and untense herself.

"But, you are apparently really close friends with Arrow-" Who Adora assumed was Bow. "- and he tells me you aren't a rapist and can be trusted. So I'm giving you a chance to explain yourself."

"Okay so here's the thing." Adora started. "I don't actually like you. Like at all." Okay that's a lie.

"Your lips say otherwise." Catra returned, letting out a giggle that made it hard for Adora to function. She coughed. "Um yes, well I just had to make it look like I liked you so Lonnie would think I didn't like her anymore."

Catra let out an oh, still confused. "So, what are you gonna tell Lonnie?"

"The truth? I guess." This is when Adora got to idea. "Unless.."


"What if we let people think we are dating?" She offered. Catra made a weird face, but didn't respond. "Just for a little while."

"And why would you want that"

"When Lonnie saw us kissing, she went nuts! And if she thinks we're a real thing, she'll want to get back. We won't have to kiss without permission, or do anything you're uncomfortable with." Adora told her. That was partly true. Lonnie did go crazy. But Adora couldn't tell if she was offering this because of Lonnie, or if she it was because she wanted to know Catra better.

"Oh. So you want to use me as a pawn?" Catra scoffed as she grabbed her things. "Bow was wrong about you."

"Wait no!"

Catra stopped in her tracks.

"Just think about it?" Adora asked her. Catra huffed before sitting back down. "This seems a lot like it benefits you more than me. What do I get?"

Adora gave a grin. "To kiss me."

"And what would make you think I'd want to do that?" asked Catra, a hand on her hip.

"I mean, it's not like you pulled back to first time."

"Oh please. Humble yourself, princess. Your ego is almost as big as your forehead." 

Adora's smug look faltered as she touched her forehead. "Is it really that big?"

"I guess not. Whatever floats your boat, princess. But I'm serious."

"Well, what do you want?"

Catra's bi colored eyes flickered. Nervously, she asked Adora. "Do you have a car?"


Art: Hannamura1

It Started With A Whisper (And That Was When I Kissed Her)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang