Handshakes of a Lifetime - Chapter 7

Start from the beginning

Namjoon stands guard at the door, his tall frame stays still and impassive. Without windows you can't tell how much time has passed, but the noise has died down in the halls. You can't take it anymore and move closer to him, seeking his warmth. Your hands find his sides and you bury your face into the muscles of his back.

"Princess..." he warns softly.

"We're alone now, please...I'm scared."

"Don't worry, I will protect you with my life."

That is what makes you worry the most. You let your lips drag against his exposed skin as you breathe in his scent. Your hands travel to his front and you begin to caress the hard muscles of his torso. He tenses in your hold, he can't have any distractions, even if it's you.

"Please princess, I must stand guard, the palace could be under siege," Namjoon whispers, head held high.

"This might be the last time I get to be with you then," you say as your fingers drift lower.

Namjoon growls, he turns around to face you and his hands find the back of your head. He pulls you swiftly, your body crashes against his large frame as his lips find yours. If he had one weakness in his life, it would be you. Namjoon finds it impossible to deny you, even now, while the palace crumbles at his feet.

Namjoon's long fingers curl around the crook of your neck, tilting your head upward. He kisses you roughly despite his careful embrace. You let him lead you backwards until your back meets a pillar. His tongue glides over your mouth and you eagerly part your lips for him, desperate for his touch. You want him, all of him. If you could run away with him and be by his side forever, you would, if only he'd ask.

You're both interrupted by a hard knock at the door. Namjoon wheels around, covering your body with his own, poised in a fighting stance.

"Commander!" The familiar voice of Namjoon's soldier shouts out from behind the door.

"Your position, say it now!" Namjoon's voice thunders, deep and menacing.

"The palace is secure! The enemy's retreated, we were able to beat them...b-but something has happened..." The silence behind the door makes your heart drop. You clutch onto Namjoon for support as he walks slowly to the door.

"Speak," Namjoon's deep voice orders the voice behind the door.

"The Pharaoh is dead!"

You sit amongst men, your guard by your side. You listen to them argue military strategy. They argue about you like you do not sit there.

"...she is a mere child.'

"I am not a child!" You finally speak up.

"She's a woman."

You clench your teeth, you chance a look sideways to Namjoon. His eyes are dark with anger and his hands clench the handle of his spear. He looks murderous. You stand up. "Right now I am your King!" The hall stays silent.

The royal vizier speaks hesitantly, "Our kingdom is weakened, we do not have a proper Pharoah and if we do not act quickly our lands will fall to another Kingdom. We are trying everything we can to protect you and the bloodline."

You exhale and sit back down sullen. You have to find some way to save your people. But what can you do?

You hear familiar steps pace in your bedroom. You stand on your balcony, looking down to the homes of your people.

"Are you still having nightmares?" His voice resounds behind you. You turn and offer your guard a weak smile. "Would you like to talk about it?" Namjoon asks.

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