Chapter- 29- slice of cake

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Emily pov
We arrived at the restaurant which was a classic Italian restaurant they really know the best places to eat at, as we walked in the waiter immediately recognised the guys and took us to sat us at his best table.

"Do you normally gets this attention?" I asked once the waiter left to collect our drinks "it's grown ever since we won euro vision" Damiano said "how does it feel?" I asked they all looked surprised to hear that question almost as if no one had ever asked them before.

"Yeah great it's been our dream for years" Thomas said looking at the menu his answer seemed a bit blunt.
"We've been together for over six years to have our music heard is incredible we're very lucky" Victoria said smiling without her teeth.

"It would be nice to have our voices heard as well" ethan said "Why don't you" I asked "because what if we don't fit in " Ethan said I felt he was talking more about himself I'd ask him more questions I wanted to see if he was ok but I didn't want to bring it up at dinner.

"I'd like to spend more time with the fans" Thomas said "Why don't you?" I asked looking at my menu "it get nervous around them ..." I was suprised to hear Thomas words "nervous how?? They adore you " I replied "yeah man you worry to much " Damiano said placing his right arm over my shoulder and holding onto the chair.

"I'm worried they might not like me if they saw the real me would they understand would I cause the band to lose fans " Thomas said I could tell he was starting to panic "hey don't panic it's ok I know the fans will support you 100% because I'm a fan " I said smiling at him "Thank Em, you really know what to say " Thomas said smiling back at me.

"Yes she does " Damiano muttered smirking at me I'm sure my cheeks were bright red.

Victoria pov.

"I'm going to have the pasta " Thomas declared putting this menu down on the table "I'll have the same " I replied what Italian doesn't like pasta "you two always go for pasta" Ethan reasoned shaking his head with a slight smile.

"What can we say we're Italian enough said " thomas said "I'll have the pasta as well " Emily said placing her menu down "haha three against two " Thomas said laughing at Ethan who's smile got bigger looking at Thomas been a clown we all laughed.

I was suprised at Thomas for opening up to Emily I mean I'm happy for him but his never mentioned his worries to anyone expect us I know he has more going on but it's a start.

And his right Emily knew exactly what to say I wish I could do that I seem to mess everyone up..

I looked over at Emily and Damiano who were talking into each other Damiano looks pleased with himself it's about time I hope nothing g ruins it for him.

An hour later.

Victoria pov.

We were all eating our food chatting we were laughing at something Thomas said I couldn't help but notice Damiano eyes were on Emily probably drawing to her by her laugh one thing for sure his focus was on her.

"Vic how is your sister getting on with college?" Ethan asked my spirit pecked up at the mention my of my sister god I miss her "she's finished her assignments early in order to take a week off she wants me to go see her before we leave" I said remembering the call I got from her yesterday.

"You'll be miss" Damiano said taking a slip of his white wine I smiled at him "I'll miss all of you's but I'll come back" I said I felt like I had to say that more for me to believe I would actually be back...

Thomas pov.

I wonder why vic thought to mention how she would come back it's not like she's leaving for good I laughed of my crazy thoughts, she reminded me of my plans "I'm going to spend the weekend with my family Theo finished his first school year" I said (theory a made up family member of thomas).

Falling heels over head ~ Damiano David Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum