Secret Love

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Ponyboys Pov:
As I walked around the school halls I saw Cherry, I smiled and walked up to her.
"Hey Cherry!" I hugged her by the side as we walked.
"Ponyboy...We need to talk."
"About what?"
She grabbed my hand and took me to an employee hall.
"Listen, I like you and All Ponyboy but, We need to keep this whole thing a secret."
"Cause,People like us...get alot of backslash...You know, Your a greaser and I'm a soc and people don't like seeing us together."
My heart broke slightly.
"Oh... But why should we car what others think of us?"
"Ponyboy, It's not that...It's what they do to us. You know how Gary got... I don't want that to happen again. You could be hurt badly, maybe worse."
"I understand. But how secret?" I asked
"We hide from any of Gary's firends and from Gary."
"See You later Ponyboy." Cherry kissed me on the cheek
"See you."
We then went our separate ways to class.

*Sorry for the short chapter, this is just a little thing so I can get things rolling again*

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