Things Aint The Same

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Ponyboys Pov:
It was now the weekend, I had no clue what to do no more, In the weekends I'd spend time with Johnny and Dallas all day. But now, I'm just bumming around the house, Twobit went out with Kathy, Soda and Steve's at work and the same was with Darry.
I'd call Cherry but She went to visit her grandparents.
I decided to walk around alone, try to clear my head with all of this chaos that happened.
I walked around my neighborhood and saw the lot.
My heart stopped, Johnny would've been here. He would've been smoking a cigarette or playing some football.
I felt a pain on my chest.
'Gosh I miss him.'
I sat down on the floor and gathered up the pile of trash that has been blowing in the wind for months.
As I was, I saw a picture I never seen before. It had to be Johnny's, It was a picture of him and Dallas.
I wanted to cry, but I hadn't, I needed to stay strong.
I put the picture in my pocket and walked to the nearest trash can to throw all of this garbage. I continued to walk I then saw Johnny's house. His parents were still yelling and fighting, Suddenly his mother came outside drunk.
"Oh I know you...You were that no good bitch who didn't let me see my son, You thought you were such a good person huh? So, good taking care of him, letting him stay at your house for the night." She grabbed my arm I tried moving away without hurting her.
"Hotshot...My son deserves those beatings, he deserved to die. Your the reason why he died! "
A wave of anger filled me
"He didn't deserve to die, You did you whore. Son of a bitch!" I yelled I yanked my arm causing her to back away and ran off, I bumped into Twobit.
"Hey Ponyboy."
"Hey Twobit,thought you were with Kathy."
"Well I was until my car gave out again, it's now at DX with Steve and Soda."
"Anyways why were you running?"
"Bumped into Johnny's mother." I sighed
"Yeah..." I stood there silently
" what did she do that made you run?"
"She grabbed me by the arm and told me how Johnny deserved to die and how it was my fault he died."
"And what did you say?"
"She's a Bitch..."
"Damn, never knew you had that in you Ponyboy."
Twobit looked at me for a moment and sighed
"listen Pony, it ain't your fault that Johnny died, It ain't no one's. Don't listen to what people like her say. And hey Ponyboy...Don't get tough. I know I said it before but I'm gonna say it again, What you did back there was the right thing to say to a person like her but, don't do that again alright."
"Let's go to the dingo I'm starving." Twobit messed with my hair and we walked our way to the dingo with the awful question What If It Really Is My Fault?

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