Anything For You

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"I think...I think I need some space." I said, resting a hand on my hip. Sebastian's face scrunched up in confusion and hurt.

"What is that supposed to mean?" He asked, begging for me to say what he already knew.

"I think that we need to stop seeing each other until...until I figure some things out." I said, shaking my head slowly. "I just can't deal with all your fans anymore. Hating me and saying rude things to me. They're always like 'As long as Sebby is happy then I'm happy!' but then they turn around and criticize me. I just don't get it."

"They don't have control over our relationship, though. We do and I say—" Sebastian begged, moving closer to me and trying to put his arms around me.

I cut him off by moving away from him. "I say that we take a break. No contact for a week. Two weeks tops." I said seriously, looking him directly in the eye.

"[Y/n]..." Sebastian said, his eyes pleading with me.

"No. Those eyes won't work on me. I...I gotta get home. It's late." I started to walk away, down the carpeted hallway. I stopped and turned on my heel to look at him. His eyes sparkled with hope. "Thanks for the movie."

His eyes became cloudy and he stuck his hands in his pockets and looked at his feet before he took a sharp breath and looked back up at me. "Anything...for you." He smiled weakly. I nodded my head and continued to walk out of the movie theater. Nobody came to the movies at midnight during a weekday—so I didn't have to look at anybody or walk around anybody. I was very much annoyed with any form of contact with other humans. Besides my friends, family, and Sebastian.

I knew these days without him were going to be tough but it was my idea and I was sticking to it. It would test our relationship's strength. And I think it definitely needed to be tested. What with my busy work schedule and all these fancy events that Sebastian didn't want to attend but had to.

Let the games begin. I sighed and walked to my car in the dark, the icy air turning my short breaths into little puffs of frost.


It was Day Five of my Sebastian hiatus and I thought I was doing pretty well. Until a naked man showed up at my back door.

Have I ever mentioned how good Sebastian looks without clothes on?

"I'm freezing my balls off and you're just going to stand there and watch me?" Sebastian asked through the door. I nodded, trying not to look at his body too much. I focused on his face—which was very hard to do with him being naked and such.

"It's not my fault that you're naked, Seb." I pointed out, hiding a smile at his pained expression. I saw him shiver and he crossed his arms over his chest—leaving his manhood exposed.

"Oh, but it is. You see, this is to prove my love for you. And that I would do anything for you—even freeze my balls off." Seb said, gesturing to his exposed manhood.

"You could use a gentler word for 'balls'." I mocked, using iar quotations.

"Fine, my penis is cold and I would like to be let in." Sebastian said, a defiant smile on his face.

"You were off to such a great start...what with all the 'I would do anything for you' stuff. And now this..." I glanced at him and put a finger over my lips as if in thought. "But, I guess it would be kinda cruel to let you stay outside in the New York fall weather." I giggled and opened my sliding glass door, letting Sebastian run inside. Just as he was about to pull me into a bear hug, I put my hand in his face. "Put some clothes on first. You know where the drawer with your stuff is."

Seb chuckled a bit and exited my living room, leaving a trail of wet footprints and melting snow on my carpet.


"I didn't think you were that crazy...but then again, I always knew you were some sort of crazy." I said, handing Seb a cup of hot tea before settling on the couch next to him. He accepted it and took a long sip before he replied.

"I'm really not that crazy, but I did that for you. Like I said before. And I'm crazy about you." He looked at me with pleading eyes. "So please, can we stop this whole 'break' nonsense and go back to being two birds of a feather?"

"Did you read that out of a poem or something? That was unusually sweet coming from you." I teased.

"You little—" I cut off his pending insult by kissing him gently. He dropped his tea but still kept kissing me.

"As long as you stick to my side, I'll never stop loving you." I said, breaking away from him. I glanced at the tea cup on the floor and the wet stain it had made.

"I'll help clean that up, promise." Seb said, kissing me on the lips one more time before he ran to the kitchen to keep his promise.

Sebastian Stan/Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now