15. All Tomorrow's Parties

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Give me a second I
I need to get my story straight
My friends are in the bathroom getting higher than the Empire State
My lover she's waiting for me just across the bar
My seat's been taken by some sunglasses asking 'bout a scar, and
I know I gave it to you months ago
I know you're trying to forget
But between the drinks and subtle things
The holes in my apologies, you know
I'm trying hard to take it back
So if by the time the bar closes
And you feel like falling down
I'll carry you home

For a few days, things were going well for all the teenagers, Isabelle had worked hard and found the perfect song to be on the album that was now finished. Peyton wanted though Ellie to be the first one to see the album, but sadly that did not come to be.

Isabelle still remembered that horrible phone call that Ellie had passed away, Peyton had not only lost one mother now but two. Currently, Isabelle, Peyton, Brooke, and Haley were on their way to New York to drop Brooke of there. Madison said she will stay with the other cheerleaders so Rachel doesn't go all leader and major bitch. 

"You ready to talk about her, yet?" Brooke asks Peyton slowly from her place behind the wheel, Peyton glances over at Brooke.

"I'm dealing with Ellie's death the way she woulda wanted me to; by really living life.  And what better way than road-tripping to New York in this... sweet ride and...  and then hopping on a plane, nine hours later, and flying to Charlotte" Peyton says with a smile. Isabelle leans forward and places a hand on Peyton's shoulder which Peyton takes and gives it a light squeeze.

"Ellie would've loved it" Peyton then says

"And Rachel is gonna hate it. Win, win! Are we on schedule, navigation girl?!" Brooke says looking in the review mirror to the back where Isabelle and sitting with Haley feeling a little cramped with all their stuff shoved in the car.

"Well,  yeah, except that, uh, we promised to switch seats once we hit Pennsylvania," she says eyeing the other girls but Brooke just grins and shrugs her shoulder.


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"Hmmm,... so, James-Scott, what're you more excited about? The fashion show or the cheerleading competition?" Brooke asks her. "Uh,... sharing a hotel room with Nathan" Haley then answers making Isabelle and Peyton groan and Brooke laugh.

"Erugh, you are so Brooke's roommate!" Peyton says

"Whatever! Oh, slug bug!" Haley hits Peyton on her arm making all the others laugh and Peyton looks at her surprised. "Ow!" Peyton says holding her arm confused until Haley points to the car driving by them and she starts to laugh as well. 


"This year's classic will not be a repeat of last year's debauchery. There'll be an eleven o'clock curfew. That means... there'll be not late-night hot tubbing,... no spinning the bottle, no truthing or daring. And that includes the chaperones." Whitey had walked to the back of the bus where Keith and Karen were in the corner making out and they shift a little embarrassed. 

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