4. An Attempt to Tip the Scales

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It's the boy you never told "I like you"
It's the girl you let get away
It's the one you saw that day on the train
But you freaked out and walked away
It's the plane you wanna catch to Vegas
Things you swear you'll do before you die
It's the city of love that waits for you
But you're too damn scared to fly

Haley was sitting on the couch with a guitar in her arms, Brooke is sitting at the table working on her costume for the masquerade party and Isabelle is by the kitchen island working on a new song herself.

"New tone?" Brooke asks Haley as Haley strums the guitar, Haley nods her head and hums out.

"Sounds pretty good. Speed it up a little" she says and Haley speeds it up a little, "Faster" she says and Haley speeds even more and Isabelle stops writing as she starts to recognize the tone. "For he's a jolly good fellow" Isabelle sang and Haley stops playing and groans in frustration. 

"Sorry," Isabelle says as she looks down at her notebook again even if she didn't sound so sorry. Haley stands up and walks over to look at Brooke's work. "You know, the Devil doesn't have sequins, or feathers or... breasts for that matter," she says, Isabelle looks up and smiles as she also shakes her head.

"Well, in my universe, she does," Brooke says and sticks her tongue out at Haley. "Did you even follow the pattern?" Haley then asks her.


"Brooke, you have to do that" Isabelle says looking up at Brooke, and Brooke eyes her, "Say who?" Brooke says.

"Says like every sewing teacher ever. Otherwise, you'll end up with something like..." Brooke interrupts Haley as she holds up the red top of her costume. "Something like this?" she asks and Isabelle along with Haley stares at it.

"Wow! Brooke that's amazing" Isabelle says with a smile. 

"That..looks really good," Haley says nodding her head

"Thank you. I just whipped it up. Now, what're we gonna do for you? I was thinking...  sexy nurse, catholic schoolgirl, Playboy bunny..." Brooke says looking at Haley and Isabelle can hardly hold in her snort when Brooke lists those options off as she can't see Haley in those. 

"Uh, no, no and forget it" Haley says shaking her head and waving her head

"Haley, it's a costume party – you just go as a sexy whatever" Brooke protests and Haley eyes her for a moment. "Alright, well sexy, not slutty" she then agrees.

"Fine" Brooke says sighing before gasping as she gets an idea "Oh, I know. The classic 'get my man to see me in a new light' costume" Brooke says as she begins to smirk at the idea.

"How about a glass of 'get my man to come to this thing' costume? You got one of those? Coz I'm not even sure Nathan's showing up at this thing" Haley says before walking away towards the bedroom. Isabelle notice Brooke giving her a look and Isabelle starts shaking her head, "Oh no, no-no."

"Oh come on! you are the closest to him!" Brooke protested.

"Exactly! no, I'm not doing it!"


Isabelle sighs as she closes her car door and makes her way to the backyard of the Scott family house, "Damn you Brooke" she muttered under her breath. Isabelle puts on a smile as she walks up to Nathan who was currently playing ball.

"Well, there is my BMF," Isabelle says with a smile, Nathan chuckles and shakes his head before shooting the ball into the hoop one more time.

"Well, there is my BMF," Isabelle says with a smile, Nathan chuckles and shakes his head before shooting the ball into the hoop one more time

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