8. Just another day

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Woke up around a half past 10
Cant believe that I'm late again
Put down about a quart of caffeine
To start my pulse and then

I grab my jeans off the floorThen I hit the doorIts just the same old sameIt goes to show you never know

After Rachel had interrupted Brooke who was trying to avoid the subject of the fantasy boy draft and now that witch had agreed to there being a date, Brooke tried to sneak off without having to speak with Colin. 

"Brooke!" Colin called out and Brooke froze before turning around with a fake smile on her face. "Hey, looks who it is"

"So what time should I be ready?" he asks her with a smile, Brooke takes a deep breath knowing she can't avoid this anymore. Nervous laughter escapes her as she's trying to find the words.

"Um,... you know it's the... craziest thing.  I sorta got mixed up and... didn't pick you" Brooke manages to get out. Colin blinks as he looks down at the short brunette not sure if he heard her right.


"It was all Rachel's fault. She tricked me" Brooke says quickly but Colin shook his head a little trying to wrap up what Brooke was telling him

"S-so let me get this straight: you coulda picked me... but you didn't?" he says to her

"It just... sort of happened wrong," Brooke says as Rachel walks up to them and stops beside Colin.

"She picked Chris Keller and I picked you," Rachel says looking at Colin with a smile on her face Brooke looks at Colin first trying to figure out what to say but she can't, and then she glares at Rachel.

"Well... at least somebody wanted me." Colin gives Brooke a look and she opens her mouth to say something but Colin turns and walks away leaving Brooke there with a frown on her face while Rachel just smiles.

" Colin gives Brooke a look and she opens her mouth to say something but Colin turns and walks away leaving Brooke there with a frown on her face while Rachel just smiles

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"Hey, boyfriend," Peyton says to Mouth as she finds him sitting on a bench and she sits down next to him. "Looks like we're supposed to go out on a date tonight," Mouth says a little as he looks at Peyton.

"I know you were just doing me a favor when you drafted me, Peyton... but there's something I have to do tonight"

"You're a tough guy to ask out, Mouth!" Peyton says with a smile on her face making Mouth laugh a little.

"Well... you could come if you want" Mouth pauses first as he shrugs a bit  "It's just... kinda un-cool" he continues

"Okay, trust me, I've had enough supposedly cool nights, un-cool sounds... great" Peyton smiles and it makes Mouth smile once more.

Rewrite the stars I Lucas Scott [3]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora