N Has Fallen ♡

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Author:  theuglypoetess

Genre/theme: General Romance; Ceo; Filthy Rich; Innocent; College; Cute-Sweet

Status: Complete

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From the moment Noah laid eyes on pure Jess, he knew she has to be his. She's beautiful in every sense of the word. She looked like a dream, a redemption. And he, the embodiment of nightmare and sin, wanted to be redeemed by her.

This is a story about a girl who writes letters as she leaves them on random places and a story of a guy whose life was saved because of her. As he searches for this mysterious writer, he realizes that the world may not be cruel to him after all.

 As he searches for this mysterious writer, he realizes that the world may not be cruel to him after all

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|  R E V I E W  |

Introducing you, N Has Fallen. One wholesome unique story. I highly recommend N Has Fallen. I personally think it's one of a kind and one of the best stories I've read. I honestly think it's underrated and deserves more attention.

Both characters are flawed good-natured people who are down to earth and look real. They are definitely like us. Human beings with all the flaws and stuff. Noah is a swoon worthy male lead. At first I thought he as too much of a fictional character because he was too good in the eyes, too perfect, unlike Jessica who is so much close to a real human being, whom you would very much relate to in life. But as the story progresses, Noah showed more of his flaws. There were times that he's so possessive over Jess. But, I think it's admiring that he quickly realizes his mistakes and redeems himself sooner rather than later. Sometimes, I'm even stunned that he cries after he made a mistake and overthinks like Jess would leave because he (unintentionally)had hurt her. It's honestly the first time I've seen a male lead who shows so much of his insecurities like bearing his heart out on his sleeves. His imperfections made him look real by then. 

And Jessica, she is so precious honestly. She is so relatable in so many areas, which make her look as real as a normal human. Her idea of leaving letters to random places is a treasure in disguise. I cried so much because of her heartfelt letters. They are so soothing and I personally feel it's healing effect. It made me see a different light in life. To be honest, I want to have a letter from her even just once -what I wouldn't give just to find/receive a letter like hers in real life. Anyway, sometimes, I even think her kindness is too much for her own good - being the good-nice girl she is. She is always so forgiving and pure that to the point I think not many people can be on the same tier as her. This is where Noah then complements her. What Jess doesn't do, Noah does it. Vice-versa. That's why I think they are so suitable for each other and blend well together.

On another note, I love the author's writing style so much. It's so intricate and deep that they bring so much life in the book. Literally couldn't get enough of it. This is one of those books again where I have just read the first chapter itself that I already fell in love with it. By that time, I already knew I'm so gonna appreciate this book so much and it did not disappoint. I loved the fact that there was no excessive character nor twists in the story. It was utterly, completely, absolutely simple plus beautiful. And the way author named each chapters is immaculate. Every title was named after  unusually/uncommonly used words yet it simplifies pretty much everything about each chapters' content. Then, each of its meaning are shown in the content. First time I've seen a book where all chapters were named like that. Although I don't remember all of those words, it was truly enjoyable that I still learned something new because of it. 

N Has Fallen is one of my favorites and a definite reread worthy as well. This deserves so much more recognition. Wholesome book here!

Please, if it sparks any interest in you, give this story a try! ♡

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<Iconic/Memorable line in N Has Fallen>

"Whoever you are reading this,
I don't know if you are in pain or in bliss,
But one thing's for sure,
Someone's there for you, someone loves you.
And as you read this, I pray that you will be okay,
That all good things will come to you,
Because that's what each of deserves."

- J (Letter by Jessica)

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Happy readings ♡

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