Just for Tonight ♡♡

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Author: melaniegaleaz

Genre/Trope: Music; Celebrity; Baker; Friends2Lovers; Romcom

Status: Complete

| S U M M A R Y |

When Scarlett's dad dies during her senior year of college, all she wants is to be someone else. For one night, she doesn't want to be "Scarlett Alvarez", and when she meets a mysterious boy, that seems entirely possible.

They both agree that for the next few hours, they're someone new. They even go by fake names- and just for tonight, they're 'Quinn' and 'Mason'. But to truly let go and not worry about their futures, they vow to never see each other again.

Two years later, Scarlett owns a bakery in New York City. She lives in an apartment with her friends and is living her dream. Being in the city makes it feel like anything is possible.

But despite all of this, she's never been able to let 'Mason' go, and a part of her regrets their vow to never see each other again.

So, when she sees 'Mason', who turns out to be the up-and-coming singer Nate Cameron, on her television interviewing for his debut album "Quinn", with songs about the night they met, she knows she has to take the chance she didn't take two years ago.

So, when she sees 'Mason', who turns out to be the up-and-coming singer Nate Cameron, on her television interviewing for his debut album "Quinn", with songs about the night they met, she knows she has to take the chance she didn't take two years ago

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| R E V I E W |

This story is totally A M A Z I N G~! Personally speaking, the book is a must read. I highly recommend you try this out ♡ It's nothing like the usual or normal cliché story.

Very unique and fascinating. I have gotten too invested in this book very much so after the first chapter. Loved every word, every sentence, and every paragraph. The whole story - from plot, settings, characters, to writing style - pretty much everything was so intricate and deep that I truly appreciate this wonderful piece. Never have I ever cried so much over a book - and it's not even a tragic story *le sigh* Author did an astounding job for this masterpiece and for a first draft at that. I'd throw countless stars of vote if I could ♡ it's another gem honestly. Overall concept, the idea of how soulmates work, the representation, storyline, and plot and character development.

One of my favorite parts of this book is the alternation of present time and divided flashbacks of that one particular memorable night along the chapters. No kidding, that writing style is a real deal for me. Author didn't entirely dropped every single thing that happened on that one-night deal onto one chapter. Instead, she revealed it little by little in separate chapters in the form of flashbacks - which made a massive big deal, personally speaking. I mean, those flashbacks are seriously an added bonus point at the same time, they are also a big element to the story because they gave a better effect that shows the preciousness and relevance of Nate and Scarlett's moment on that night. The flashbacks really resonate with so many feelings in me, especially when I thought about how they could finally pick up where they left off after meeting again.

Regardless how many time I cried over this book, it's still a cute-nice read in a perfect sense. Story is adorable and funny that it's become a comfort for me, and another fav added on the my list ofc ♡ and PLS Nate and Scarlett's communication was SO it! It's so satisfying that even if they argue, or had a fight, they'd still keep an open mind when they're finally up for a proper conversation. Their love and understanding for each other are heartwarming.

Most importantly, Author's writing is out of the world that I couldn't get a move on for awhile. I keep on finding myself swiping back to repeat the words again and again. Literally couldn't put my phone down if it weren't for my priorities that are in need to tend first. I appreciate author for showing heartfelt aspects of love - it's okay not to be okay; it's okay to fight; it's okay to make a mistake but it's an important lesson to not make a repeat again; it's okay to be dependent on someone else for once in awhile; and it's okay to not rush and take your own time to heal. Nate and Scarlett are not perfect but flawed good-natured people instead. I liked the focus of the story that revolves on them and their love, and as well as how they become a better person from it. Big thumbs for their character growth.

Before I finish this review, it is mentioned that Nate is a singer and also a song writer. The collection of lyrics brought in this book are SO good I thought author passed as a songwriter too! I wish I can actually hear each of their melody. I bet it would be very pleasing to the ears ♡ Everything in this book is just *chef kiss* stunning and beautiful. Definitely one of the best books I've read and worth rereading again and again. Another wholesome read here!

I'm telling you guys, try this out! (especially if you're craving for singer/celebrity/baker trope) Highly recommend. You might enjoy this like I do ♡♡

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Happy readings ♡

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